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Search Results: tohtori

Supervision plan [page]

The supervision plan is a document for the doctoral researcher and the supervisors to agree on the mutual division of duties, the practices and working methods of supervision, and the schedule and the ways of conducting doctoral research. The parties will also go through mutual expectations and commitments to work.  In the plan, the duration […]

Registration for the Language Centre’s spring courses starts on 1.12.2023! [article]

Register for the Language Centre courses included in your degree in Peppi through your PSP. The best way to see all the future implementations of the course, i.e. the groups, their schedules and additional information, is through the study guide. View the upcoming groups of the course through your degree structure or by using the […]

Register for Language Centre courses [article]

Registration for Language Centre’s spring semester courses opens 1.12.2022. See our course selection in Peppi and sign up! As a rule, registration ends 10 days prior to starting date of each course. Please remember to carefully read the implementation details before registration. To see full course-specific details, please use Peppi for registration instead of Tuudo. Places are […]

Academic career [page]

Career models of the UEF Four-Stage Career Model and Tenure Track Model are used in the University of Eastern Finland (as well as many other Finnish universities). Four-Stage Career Model The model seeks to promote academic career advancement and goal-oriented transition from one stage to another. The first stage for both researchers and teachers is […]

Student communications [page]

Yammer The UEF Opiskelijat // UEF Students community in Yammer is the main channel for UEF student communications. The content includes news and bulletins for all students (including the News page in Kamu) other informal communication In addition to the UEF Opiskelijat//UEF Students community, Yammer is also a good place to follow the UEF Ajankohtaista//UEF Current News community, […]

International matters in Viva Engage [page]

Viva Engage (formerly Yammer) is a communication platform for UEF students and employees. You can log into the service with your UEF username and password. NB! The links open up in a new tab. UEF vaihtoon lähtevät vaihto-opiskelijat // UEF Outgoing Exchange Students: information for outgoing exchange students as well as informal discussions and sharing […]

Language and communication studies [page]

UEF Language Centre offers language and communication studies for undergraduate, postgraduate, and international exchange students as well as staff members. In Language Centre courses, you will learn versatile skills and knowledge that you will need during your studies and in working life. You will also gain tools to develop your skills further in the future. […]