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Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology: Instructions for publishing the dissertation [page]

Preparing your dissertation for printing You are responsible for preparing the dissertation for publication, and the layout in practice. In Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology it is recommended to use the layout template (Word or Latex) from the beginning of the dissertation writing process.  Please, note dissertations of Forest Sciences are published in Dissertationes […]

Publishing Doctoral Dissertations, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies [page]

After the Faculty Council has given the doctoral candidate permission for public examination, the doctoral dissertation can be published 1) in the publication series of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies “Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Dissertations in Social Sciences and Business Studies” in print and electronically, or 2) in other […]

Philosophical Faculty’s requirements and evaluation of a doctoral dissertation [page]

An eligible doctoral dissertation may be a monograph or a collection of research articles. A collection of research articles refers to an entity consisting of the following parts: 1) a sufficient number of scientific publications or manuscripts, which examine the same set of problems. The number of articles required is determined by the Philosophical Faculty. […]

Faculty of Health Sciences’ instructions for publishing the dissertation [page]

Preparing your dissertation for printing You are responsible for preparing the dissertation for publication, and the layout in practice. It is recommended to use the layout template (docx) from the beginning of the dissertation writing process.  The new style sheet needs to be used in doctoral dissertations as of 1 January 2021. The document opens […]

University of Eastern Finland tightens its coronavirus restrictions on the Joensuu Campus for the remainder of the year – also Sykettä sports services in Kuopio are discontinued [article]

The City of Joensuu is now at an acceleration phase of the coronavirus epidemic, and this has an effect on the activities of the University of Eastern Finland on the Joensuu Campus. In accordance with the recommendations issued by the regional coronavirus working group, teaching on the Joensuu Campus is mostly organised online for the […]

Requirements of doctoral studies and study plan [page]

Personal study plan The studies will be specified in a personal study plan, which must be created within three months after receiving the right to study. Create the plan in co-operation with your main supervisor in Peppi or by using the doctoral study plan- form, depending on the instructions of your doctoral programme. The personal […]

Philosophical Faculty’s instructions for publishing the doctoral dissertation [page]

The Philosophical Faculty will support its doctoral candidates in the publication costs of a doctoral dissertation, such as the basic layout, printing and proofreading of the manuscript and abstract written in a foreign language. UEF’s contractual service provider must be used when the dissertation is published under the faculty’s publication series and the publication costs are […]

University of Eastern Finland tightens its recommendation on the use of face masks from 8 October; in-person teaching in the spring semester 2021 will be offered as possible [article]

The University of Eastern Finland responds to the escalation of the COVID-19 situation in its campus cities by recommending the use of face masks in all facilities with several people present, including on lectures. The new recommendation will enter into force on Thursday, 8 October 2020. The university’s earlier recommendation only pertained to situations where […]

Doctoral diploma and graduation [page]

After the public examination, the opponent gives the faculty a written statement about the dissertation, and you have the opportunity to submit a rejoinder to the opponent’s statement if you are not satisfied with the evaluation. The faculty approves or rejects the doctoral dissertation and decides on the grade. Applying for a Doctoral Degree You […]

Post doctoral party, Karonkka [page]

The post-doctoral party, karonkka, taking place in the evening of the public examination is an old academic tradition. The post-doctoral party is held in the honour of the opponent and you act as the host or hostess of the party. You can decide the venue for the party. Choose a place that fits your budget […]