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Search Results: coronavirus

Student exchange is allowed in the spring semester [article]

The University of Eastern Finland has decided to: allow student exchange (both incoming and outgoing) for the spring semester while observing the guidelines issued by the university, the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, and the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, as well as the guidelines of the destination countries and host institutions; and make […]

Student in higher education, check that you meet the minimum credit requirements for financial aid [article]

Students in higher education should check the number of credits they earned in the previous academic year. Past financial aid payments can be returned voluntarily until 11 September 2020. Students in higher education who receive financial aid must earn at least 5 credits per month of financial aid and at least 20 credits per academic […]

Parking on campus becomes cheaper from 1 September 2020 onwards [article]

The price of parking permits for the University of Eastern Finland’s campuses is revised from 1 September. Due to the coronavirus situation, the prices of both annual and monthly parking permits will be reduced; however, parking permit fees from the past spring will not be refunded. A new permit for charging electrical and hybrid cars […]

The library’s customer registration form will be temporarily closed from 7 to 17 August [article]

Due to changes to the customer registration, the library’s customer registration form is not available from Fri 7 August to Mon 17 August. The forms that have arrived so far, we process in order of arrival. Due to the coronavirus situation, we ask our customers to consider the urgency of coming to the library or […]

Book picking service for UEF staff and students starts on 14.5. [article]

Due to the exceptional circumstanses, we are opening a book picking service for UEF staff members and students, who already have a library card. The service starts from 14.5. and is valid until further notice. UEF Libraries are closed from customers. We pick the books from shelf based on reservations made 14.5. or after. The […]

The University of Eastern Finland will begin restoring its functions in phases beginning 14th May 2020 [article]

Amended 12.5.: Work-related visits to campus are allowed only with permission from the head of department/unit. The University of Eastern Finland will begin lifting restrictions on its functions in phases while observing the restrictions and guidelines from the government at every turn in order to ensure safety and security. The university staff will continue to […]

UEF entrance examinations to be organised remotely and for small groups [article]

The University of Eastern Finland will be organising its entrance examinations in May and June mostly as remote examinations that will be implemented in two phases. Information has been provided to the applicants of the changes to the student admission procedure and criteria via email, and those who have not yet received the information should […]

Food assistance for students [article]

Higher education institutions operating in Joensuu and Kuopio have acknowledged that the coronavirus epidemic is placing some students in need of special assistance. The educational institutions have now joined forces, making donations to support their students. These donations are used to purchase food vouchers that will be distributed to students by parishes’ diaconal workers. Students […]

University of Eastern Finland will organise entrance examinations by using online solutions and other alternatives – participants will be informed of changes by email [article]

The University of Eastern Finland has begun to reorganise the way entrance examinations will be held this spring under the prevailing state of emergency. It has already been decided that some of the first entrance examinations in April will be organised by using online solutions. The Philosophical Faculty’s internal student admissions to minor subject studies […]