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General instructions for applying [page]

Calls for applications and application period Calls for exchange applications are programme-specific information notices, that include information about each exchange programme’s placements and host universities, application deadlines, and other important information related to the application. Calls for applications are published at the beginning of the application period in the Calls for applications for student exchange […]

Short-term exchanges in general [page]

Students at the University of Eastern Finland may participate in short-term student exchange during their studies. Short-term exchanges generally mean short courses, summer and winter schools and other short-term study visits organised by different partner universities. NB! Short-term exchange does not, unfortunately, mean that for example, the student applies for a host university for a […]

Facility reservations and lost and found [page]

Students of the University of Eastern Finland can book university’s facilities for study-related purposes. The reservation rights allow for making facility reservations in Peppi or the Tuudo mobile application on separately specified workspaces and seminar halls. Students can make facility reservations for study-related purposes free of charge within the opening hours of the facilities, e.g., […]

Student’s obligations [page]

Studying at the university has very few restrictions. With this freedom comes responsibility for your own studies and completing them in a timely manner. Students are helped with planning their studies, but usually not without them asking for help and support first. Students are also responsible for finding out what is needed to complete their […]

Inappropriate treatment and harassment [page]

From 1.8.2023 (Decision of the Rector 41/2023 §) The students of the University of Eastern Finland have the right to study in a safe and comfortable environment. All the university’s units must ensure that students do not experience harassment or inappropriate treatment when they participate in education or receive guidance. The Decision of the Rector: […]

Student sports services [page]

Exercise has a proven positive effect on maintaining physical and mental health. A fun exercise session during free time is the best possible way of promoting a feeling of togetherness and bringing the students and staff closer together. SYKETTÄ Sport Services offers a diverse and inexpensive sports calendar for students and staff members. Break exercise […]