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Search Results: login

Regarding Security and Privacy in the Zoom Service [article]

The security of Zoom, used in online teaching and meetings, has been much discussed in media recently. UEF has taken a closer look at the discussion and sorted out the security implications. The Zoom service used in UEF is offered and implemented by CSC through NORDUnet. The service is located in Sweden and it’s used […]

Transfer your favourites & searches from UEF Finna [article]

UEF Library is changing its library system at the turn of the year 2019-2020. If you want to keep your favourites and saved searches,  you have to transfer them yourself as they will not automatically migrate to the new library system UEF Primo. Transfer your favourites either to your email or to Refworks. Instructions Send your […]

Actual voting for the ISYY Representative Council Election is on! [article]

Actual voting for the Elections of the Council of Representatives for the Student Union (ISYY) has begun. You can vote today on 6.11.2019 between 9 am and 6 pm on the electronic ballot box. Eligible voters have received a link by email via which the voting is done electronically. The link directs to the login […]

An appeal for ISYY’s members: Vote in the Representative Council elections [article]

The Central Election Committee of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) appeals to every member of ISYY to vote in the Representative Council elections. By participating in the Representative Council elections, you can best influence the most important matters of your student life and take part in the decision-making. Don’t miss […]

Advance voting for ISYY Representative Council elections is on [article]

Advance voting for the Elections of the Council of Representatives for the Student Union (ISYY) has begun. Advance voting takes place on 29.10.–1.11.2019 between 9 am and 00 (midnight). The actual election day is 6.11.2019 (between 9 am and 6 pm). Eligible voters have received a link by email via which the voting is done […]

Student communications [page]

Yammer The UEF Opiskelijat // UEF Students community in Yammer is the main channel for UEF student communications. The content includes news and bulletins for all students (including the News page in Kamu) other informal communication In addition to the UEF Opiskelijat//UEF Students community, Yammer is also a good place to follow the UEF Ajankohtaista//UEF Current News community, […]

Study communities [page]

Each student belongs to a study programme-specific Study Community. In study communities you will find information on studies and a discussion forum. Study communities complement the general Kamu Student Handbook information with programme-specific instructions such as structure and format of written work. Study communities are built in the Office 365 environment either as Sharepoint workspaces […]

Processing of personal data in UEF [page]

Read about processing of personal data in UEF, the requirements set to the university when processing personal data and the rights of subjects at the UEF website on data protection and processing of personal data (opens in a new window). You can also find data protection guide for students in Kamu. You can find information […]

University glossary [page]

Academic quarter? Demo? Faculty? For the definitions of these and many other words and concepts related to university life, see this vocabulary. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y  A Absent student is a student who has not paid […]

Calls for applications for student exchange [page]

Application period for YUFE exchanges 15-30 September 2024 The autumn call for applications for YUFE exchanges will open in September, 15-30 Sept 2024. During the application period, bachelor, master and doctoral students at the University of Eastern Finland may apply for student exchange at YUFE Alliance partner universities for the spring semester 2025. Students may […]