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Researcher visibility [page]

UEFConnect UEFConnect is a search engine service into the expertise UEF has to offer, through which you can increase your researcher visibility. All UEF researchers and other experts have a personal profile in the service. UEFConnect also offers an arena for research groups to introduce themselves. The profiles can be linked to funding applications, for example. […]

Other courses and training [page]

In addition to studies in individual doctoral programmes and transferable skills studies provided by the doctoral school, you can take other courses and studies that are useful for your research and career. The university also offers various kinds of short-term training, which does earn you credit points. Courses on writing research funding applications There are […]

Conferences and seminars [page]

Conferences and seminars offer an opportunity to meet international colleagues, learn about their research and introduce your own research results. Experiences and knowledge of your supervisors and peers are valuable when looking for a proper conference. Information about upcoming conferences can be also found, for example, in Research Professional, where you can login using the […]

Research exchange [page]

Research is mostly international in its character, and it is useful to get to know the international research groups of your own field. You should negotiate potential research exchange with your supervisors. They can also help you in finding suitable contacts. Below you can find information about potential exchange programmes. Many foundations also award grants […]

Language Centre Study Community launched in the spring of 2020 [article]

The brand new Language Centre Study Community is now open! From now on all up-to-date information and news concerning Language Centre are available in our Study Community. Take a peek and join the Language Centre Study Community! (Requires a login with a UEF username.)

Digistartti for new students [page]

The link to Digistartti 2023-2024 (opens in a new window). Important! Digistartti platform in English for the academic year 2023-2024 will be closed on 31.7.2024! If your assignments are in progress, please complete them by 31.7.2024. If you are a new student starting your studies in autumn 2024, go to “Digistartti” for the academic year […]

UEF Learning Environment Seminar 2020: Many faces of online learning [article]

Registration for the UEF Learning Environment Seminar is now open. The seminar will be held online 26.-27.8.2020. Theme of the seminar is many faces of online learning. Sign up for the seminar by 16.8. by the staff training calendar. You can find out more about the seminar’s program at the seminar website (sign with UEF-account). […]

Library, Oppari or IT Services? Who to contact when you have problems with programmes or connections? [article]

Library Cannot access article full text Cannot access an ebook Cannot login to UEF Primo Contact Oppari Assistance in sign Teams and Zoom Using Office apps Installing progammes Creating pdf files Contact IT Services (Tipa) Changing password VPN Contact