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Search Results: login

HAKA Login Method Server Update 23.8.2021 at 14:15-16:00 [article]

UEF HAKA (shibboleth) ( servers will be updated on 23.8.2021 at 14:15 – 16:00. Services are available normally during the update and outages are expected. Appearance of the login will be changed after the update. Users have to login again to services after the update. If multiple browsers are used to login to the […]

Login to Ellibs now via Haka authentication [article]

As of Tuesday 2nd of October, to borrow Ellibs e-books you only need to log in to the service with your personal University of Eastern Finland user account (Haka login). You no longer need a separate Ellibs account. Despite the change, books currently on loan remain so until the end of the loan period. However, […]

Login to Ellibs e-books changes 2nd of October [article]

As of Tuesday 2nd of October 2018, to borrow Ellibs e-books you only need to log in to the service with your personal University of Eastern Finland user account (Haka Login). You will no longer need a separate Ellibs account. Despite the change, books currently on loan will remain so until the end of the […]

Transferring Campuses within the Faculty of Science, Forestry, and Technology  [page]

Transferring campuses within the Faculty of Science, Forestry, and Technology is possible no earlier than after the first semester of studies. Changing your major or campus is only possible during bachelor’s studies and can only be done once.  You must have a valid study right during the application period and the following semester. The application […]

Moodle: Support for Communication in Public Defence [page]

Are you nearing graduation and wondering about the preparation to defend your dissertation? The Doctoral School has created supportive material for you on Moodle “Support for Communication in Public Defence” (requires UEF login)! The purpose of the material is to provide you with ideas, support and encouragement in communication and interaction during the day of your public […]

Funding options for doctoral researchers  [page]

The right to pursue doctoral studies does not include funding, a contract of employment, or teaching tasks at the university. However, full-time doctoral students need funding to cover their living costs and potential research costs (travel costs, research materials, etc.). Funding options should be discussed with the supervisor already when planning to apply for a […]

Nordlys network short-term exchanges [page]

Students at the University of Eastern Finland may participate in short-term courses organised by Nordlys network partner universities. These courses may be free of charge or may have tuition or participation fees, depending on the organiser. Some courses may require a nomination from the home university before students can apply: if the course you are […]

Exchange experiences [page]

Feedback from previous exchange students Feedback from previous exchange students is available in the SoleMOVE application system (new tab). Select University of Eastern Finland from the drop-down options. You do not need to login in order to search for feedback. Once you have selected UEF, select the option Exchange destinations Abroad and Feedback that appear […]