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February application period for outgoing exchange studies is open! [article]

The February application period for outgoing student exchange during the academic year 2024-2025 is open 1-15 February 2024. The application period ends on 15 Feb at 3:00 PM (15:00). During this application period, degree students of the University of Eastern Finland are invited to apply for exchange studies in the following exchange programmes: Applying Calls […]

Need eSupport? Visit [article]

eServices – is a solution combining the various customer service channels into one whole. In this bulletin, we will tell you about the eServices mainly from IT Services’ and eLearning Support Services’ – Oppitupa and Oppari – points of view. With eServices, you can read acute and current announcements as well as news concerning […]

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Has Been Enabled With Shibboleth And Haka Services on 15 Aug 2022 [article]

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) has efficiently reduced phishing of UEF user accounts and inflicted security breaches. All UEF user accounts use multi-factor authentication when logging into email and other O365 services (applies to staff members and comparable users, students, CCL students and external users). In order to guarantee information security, it is necessary to introduce MFA […]

Apply for the YUFE Student Journey on Spring 2022! [article]

Do you want to study in an international environment? How about studying at 10 young research-driven universities in Europe at the same time!  Take your chances and apply to join the YUFE Student Journey. Application period starts 4 April and continues until 24 April 2022. Learn more about the application process below.  The YUFE Student […]

A New version of BREAK PRO is now available for students [article]

Download the new version of the Break Pro break exercise training app! The old version no longer works and users will need to install the version from the software centre if they wish to continue using Break Pro. How to install Break Pro to your computer, UEF-student: Install the application from The BREAK PRO […]

Support for students and studying arrangements related to the war in Ukraine [page]

Russia’s military attack on Ukraine is causing concern in the UEF community. At the same time, the international sanctions against Russia affect the studying arrangements of the university. This website contains information about support channels for students, arrangements related to studying and useful links to sources of information. The university has set up a team […]

Problem with the SPSS licenses for home computers [article]

University of Eastern Finland has a contract with a software provider that delivers the licenses from IBM for SPSS. We are still waiting for the home computer licenses ordered in January. During the wait, SPSS can be used in two ways: 1. On the campus computers  2. Via Windows Virtual Desktop on your own computer, either […]

Open science, data protection and data management [page]

The objective of UEF publishing and data policy is to ensure that research data produced with public financing is broadly utilisable for the scientific community and the society at large. This requires the methods, results, data and publications of a research study to be opened. More information about open science and open publishing on Library’s webpages. The Library organises […]

Support for difficult situations [page]

Violations against the responsible conduct of research Violations against the responsible conduct of research include research misconduct (fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, misappropriation) and disregard for the responsible conduct of research (e.g. denigrating the role of other researchers in publications, manipulating authorship, self-plagiarism, or careless reporting of research results). If there is reason to suspect a violation […]

Recent delays with IT systems of the University of Eastern Finland [article]

The University of Eastern Finland’s new user account and email address creation has suffered from delays that has caused issues with logging in to the systems. User access rights management has also suffered from these delays. The issues have been especially visible for new students of Spring 2022. Other students may also have had login […]