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Search Results: application

International Week 23-27 October! [article]

International Week is coming again! International Mobility Services is hosting another International Week in October, from Monday 23rd to Friday 27th. During the week, we will be hosting info sessions about student exchange possibilities and other practical matters related to exchange studies. The schedule and links to the info sessions can be found in Kamu, […]

Registering for continuous learning [page]

Registering at the Open University You can browse our course selection in the or on the website of the Centre for Continuous Learning. You can register through either service. Registration is done separately for each course. The studies are usually open to everyone. Some studies have a separate registration period, or a student quota […]

Sustainability Studies Network expands – already eight Finnish higher education institutions are members [article]

The Sustainability Studies Network established by the University of Eastern Finland, the University of Jyväskylä and the University of Turku expands as the University of Helsinki, the University of Lapland, the University of Oulu, the University of Vaasa and LAB University of Applied Sciences join the network. With the new members joining, the network’s course […]

Are you the next UEF ambassador? Call open 23.3.–6.4.2023. [article]

Are you the next UEF ambassador? Student and Learning Services at the University of Eastern Finland is looking for international student ambassadors (5 positions) to assist in international marketing and student recruitment activities of the university in the academic year 2023–2024. The call for applications is open 23.3.–6.4.2023. We are looking for ambassadors for the […]

Student tutors needed for next Autumn semester! Would you like to be a student tutor? [article]

If you study in a Bachelor’s or a Master’s degree programme at UEF and you are interested in helping the new students, you can apply as a student tutor. The student tutor helps the new students to have a smooth start for their studies. All the new students have a student tutor. And each tutor […]

Tutoring [page]

We have more than 400 student tutors at UEF every year. The student tutors are an important part of welcoming the new students and making the start of the studies as smooth as possible. Tutoring is a voluntary job and the call for application is open annually, usually in January. If you study in a […]

Need eSupport? Visit [article]

eServices – is a solution combining the various customer service channels into one whole. In this bulletin, we will tell you about the eServices mainly from IT Services’ and eLearning Support Services’ – Oppitupa and Oppari – points of view. With eServices, you can read acute and current announcements as well as news concerning […]

Entrepreneurship studies and services [page]

Latest update 29th of April 2024 The University of Eastern Finland has plenty of courses and services that can help you get familiar with entrepreneurship and map out your own interests, skills and opportunities to work as an entrepreneur. Support is available from basic entrepreneurship courses to starting a company and financing business ideas. For […]

Study languages via our partner universities! [article]

Students of the University of Eastern Finland have the opportunity to study optional language courses organised by Karelia and Savonia universities of applied science, and KiVANET network. Courses for UEF students at Savonia and Karelia Courses offered this Autumn are listed on Savonia and Karelia webpages. Registration for Savonia courses ends on 21st of August, […]