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Search Results: feedback

Maintenance break in Peppi on 15 April 2024 from 4 to 5 pm [article]

There will be a maintenance break in the Peppi production environment on 15 April 2024 from 4 to 5 pm due to the installation of a new Peppi version. The Peppi 4.7 version introduces new progress on, e.g.,: In addition, the new version includes fixes for problems in the Peppi source code. Key changes in […]

Education regulations [page]

1 January 2024Pursuant to Section 14 of the Universities Act (558/2009), the Board of the University has, on 12 December 2023, approved these Education Regulations, which shall be applied in the university’s operations in addition to what is laid down in the acts and decrees, and in the University Regulations of the University of Eastern […]

Student, find power and purpose for your career and register to career planning and job seeking courses for the spring 2023! [article]

Are you wondering about your future? Where will I find work? How will I be convincing in the job interview? What can I do with my degree? What are my strengths? Am I in the right field? What should I study as a minor subject? What rights and obligations do I have as an employee? […]

Large maintenance break in Peppi on 18–19 October 2023 [article]

There will be a maintenance break in Peppi on 18–19 October while a new Peppi version is installed. Note that during the maintenance break the following services will NOT be available: Services functioning partially during the maintenance break: Tuudo EXAM Moodle Prepare for the maintenance break, and do the following on 17 October at the […]

The university monitors careers of graduates [article]

The university follows the careers of the graduates, e.g. with a career tracking survey. This year, the career tracking survey starts on 2 October 2023 and ends on 11 December 2023. The target group of the survey is those who have completed a Master’s degree in 2018 and those who completed their doctorate in 2020. […]

UEF Summertime Helpline to assist new students on 5 June – 11 August 2023 [article]

In summer 2022, the University of Eastern Finland’s Student Services piloted a new peer guidance service for Finnish-speaking degree students. The service has received very good feedback and will be continued in an expanded form in summer 2023. The summertime helpline offers peer guidance by phone and chat for both Finnish and English-speaking degree students […]

Sound Zone questionnaire for the customers of Joensuu campus library [article]

In late March Joensuu Campus Library introduced Sound Zones to better facilitate various types of activities carried out in the library, as well as to help the customers in selecting an appropriate location for different levels of noise. Now the library would like to hear your initial response to the introduction of the Sound Zones, […]

Joensuu Campus Library introduces Sound zones and a new Reflection room for customers [article]

Joensuu Campus Library is excited to announce two new additions to improve the customer experience for all library users. Firstly, the introduction of Sound zones in Joensuu to help customers easily identify areas within the library where they can collaborate and work together, as well as areas where they can concentrate in silence. Secondly, the […]

Changes in library’s live chat opening hours [article]

Library Bot Uffe has served our customers tirelessly for three months around the clock. We’re glad for the warm reception which can be seen in the significant number of users. Many of you might have noticed, advised by Uffe, that the most common library questions have always been answered on our website. If you still […]