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Search Results: curriculum

Library news on teaching of the past academic year & the upcoming curriculum [article]

The library offers courses on information retrieval, research data management, and open science for bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral studies in Finnish and English. These courses are available as mandatory and elective courses, either as separate courses or integrated into larger courses. The library collects feedback on all its courses. The library’s teaching was praised for […]

Languages of degrees and instruction [page]

In accordance with the provisions of the Universities Act (558/2009), the language of instruction and degrees at the University of Eastern Finland is Finnish. The university may also decide on the use of another language as the language of instruction and degrees, including study attainments. This regulation stipulates the languages of degrees and instruction of […]

The application period for YUFE Student Journey programme is on! [article]

Do you want to make the most of the YUFE Alliance of European universities, from language courses to exchange opportunities and academic online studies across Europe? Customize your curriculum across borders, become a global citizen, and embrace a vibrant community! Apply for YUFE Student Journey programme 2.4.-24.5.2024! Further information in Kamu.

Education regulations [page]

1 January 2024Pursuant to Section 14 of the Universities Act (558/2009), the Board of the University has, on 12 December 2023, approved these Education Regulations, which shall be applied in the university’s operations in addition to what is laid down in the acts and decrees, and in the University Regulations of the University of Eastern […]

Registering for continuous learning [page]

Registering at the Open University You can browse our course selection in the or on the website of the Centre for Continuous Learning. You can register through either service. Registration is done separately for each course. The studies are usually open to everyone. Some studies have a separate registration period, or a student quota […]

Assessment and registration of study attainments and publication of exam results [page]

According to the Education Regulations (2§) a study attainment refers to a course completed by the student. Assessment The teacher in charge shall be responsible for the assessment of the study attainment. If there are several implementations of the course, the teacher who was responsible for the implementation shall be responsible for the assessment. (Education […]

Register for Language Centre courses [article]

Registration for Language Centre’s spring semester courses opens 1.12.2022. See our course selection in Peppi and sign up! As a rule, registration ends 10 days prior to starting date of each course. Please remember to carefully read the implementation details before registration. To see full course-specific details, please use Peppi for registration instead of Tuudo. Places are […]

Register for Language Centre courses! [article]

Registration for Language Centre’s autumn semester courses opens on 1.8.2022 in Peppi (​​​​​​​​​​​​​​.   If the course starts before 11.9.2022, registration ends two workdays before the course starts. If the course begins on 12.9.2022 or later in the first period, registration ends on Thu 8 September. For courses in the second period, registration ends 10 days before the […]

Individual arrangements [page]

From 1.8.2023 (Decision of the Academic Rector 16/2023 §). When are you entitled to individual study arrangements? Each student has the right to receive reasonable individual study arrangements based on health reasons. Individual study arrangements can be based on any health reason, such as dyslexia, sensory disability, mental health disorder or learning disability. Individual arrangements […]