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Search Results: equality

Survey about experiences on diversity, equality and inclusion [article]

Dear University of Eastern Finland student! We map students’ experiences on diversity, equality and inclusion in studies at the University of Eastern Finland. By answering this survey, you participate in developing practices and services at the University of Eastern Finland. Responding to the questionnaire takes only approx. 10-15 minutes. The survey closes on 14.1.2022.Go to […]

Equality [page]

According to the Equality Act, universities and other bodies providing education and training must ensure that women and men have equal opportunities for education, training and professional development, and that teaching, research and instructional materials support the attainment of equality (Section 5). Special attention must be given to equality and equal opportunity in student selections, […]

Sustainable exchange [page]

The sustainability of exchange studies can be viewed from several different perspectives. Ecological sustainability refers to the environmental effects of going on an exchange, such as emissions caused by travel and consumption related to the exchange. The social dimension, on the other hand, describes the effects of the exchange on local people, communities and, more […]

Students’ mental health week 8.-14.4.2024 [article]

Students’ Mental Health Week is a campaign coordinated by the Student Well-being Network. The campaign is aimed at highlighting the mental health situation of students and building a more mentally healthy study culture. The theme of the campaign week is equality, particularly focusing on social accessibility. Check out event ideas for organizing campaign events (opens […]

Education regulations [page]

1 January 2024Pursuant to Section 14 of the Universities Act (558/2009), the Board of the University has, on 12 December 2023, approved these Education Regulations, which shall be applied in the university’s operations in addition to what is laid down in the acts and decrees, and in the University Regulations of the University of Eastern […]

Renewed operating models for the studies [article]

The University of Eastern Finland has introduced a renewed operating models for Individual study arrangements and Operating model for preventing inappropriate treatment and harassment from 1 August 2023. Each student has the right to receive reasonable individual study arrangements based on health reasons. Individual study arrangements can be based on any health reason, such as […]

UEF Library is committed to the Discrimination-​free zone campaign [article]

University of Eastern Finland Library is committed to the Discrimination-free zone campaign, coordinated by the Ministry of Justice. This means fighting against discrimination, acting against it, and recognizing equality between people. Our library welcomes all people regardless of the person’s gender, age, ethnic origin, religion or belief, opinion, state of health, disability or sexual orientation. […]

Quality Management [page]

What does quality management mean at the University of Eastern Finland? Quality at the University of Eastern Finland means aligning performance with the objectives to achieve top level education and research that has societal impact. University’s mission is to educate experts and people with competence who have needed skills for society’s different tasks. The education […]

Accessibility in studies [page]

Accessibility Accessibility refers to implementing a physical, mental, and social environment where everyone, regardless of their personal capabilities, can act and interact equally with others. At the university, accessibility affects all students and staff members, but it is especially important to those members of the university community who have a disability, who are ageing, or […]