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Search Results: exchange-options

Finding an exchange destination [page]

Student exchange at the University of Eastern Finland is done in the framework of different exchange programmes. Host countries and universities vary greatly between programmes: exchange agreements are made on a subject/departmental level and also university-wide. Placements in subject/department specific agreements are available for students of these fields, while university-wide placements are available for students […]

Nordlys network short-term exchanges [page]

Students at the University of Eastern Finland may participate in short-term courses organised by Nordlys network partner universities. These courses may be free of charge or may have tuition or participation fees, depending on the organiser. Some courses may require a nomination from the home university before students can apply: if the course you are […]

The application period for YUFE Student Journey programme is on! [article]

Do you want to make the most of the YUFE Alliance of European universities, from language courses to exchange opportunities and academic online studies across Europe? Customize your curriculum across borders, become a global citizen, and embrace a vibrant community! Apply for YUFE Student Journey programme 2.4.-24.5.2024! Further information in Kamu.

YUFE exchanges are open for applications until 15.4. – you can still apply for an exchange for the autumn semester 2024! [article]

Did you know you can apply for Erasmus+ student exchange and to complete a via YUFE Alliance? There are several YUFE Minors available in YUFE universities around Europe. All UEF degree students can apply for minor exchange. If you would like to select studies more freely across YUFE, you must apply for the YUFE Student […]

YUFE Challenge Teams Spring 2024 Call is open until 20 February! [article]

YUFE (Young Universities for the Future of Europe) Challenge Teams Spring 2024 Call is open until 20 February. Every UEF Student can take part in a Challenge Teams of their own interest (in English, online) – and get the YUFE Professional Star reward and even 2 ECTs. You can choose between 7 different Challenges from […]

Application periods for outgoing exchange [page]

This page is about the outgoing exchange application periods at the University of Eastern Finland. These application periods are a part of the first stage of the exchange application process: the student’s application to the UEF. The second stage of the application process, the student’s application to the host university, is a completely separate process […]

Virtual Studies [page]

Are you interested in making your studies more international, but going abroad for an exchange for a semester of full year does not feel like an option for you? Students also have the opportunity to internationalize their degree without traveling! UEF students have a variety of options for participating in different virtual courses and complete […]

Alliances and networks [page]

Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE) YUFE Alliance offers a variety of studies, exchange and networking possibilities and volunteering opportunities in 10 universities across Europe, both online and on-site also for Doctoral Researchers. To make the most of the Alliance’s offerings, apply for the Student Journey study right. It is valid for a […]

Application period for YUFE Exchanges for spring 2024 starts today! [article]

The application period is open from 11 September to 10 October 2023. The application period closes on Tuesday, 10 October, at 3:00 PM (15:00). Degree students at the University of Eastern Finland may apply for student exchange at YUFE Alliance host universities for spring semester 2024. Students of all fields of study may apply, as […]

The YUFE Alliance [page]

YUFE (Young Universities for the Future of Europe) How does it sound to build your own degree from courses offered at ten European universities? Young Universities for the Future of Europe, or YUFE Alliance, to which the University of Eastern Finland belongs, makes this possible. YUFE offers, for example, academic courses in English and in […]