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Search Results: teaching

Library news on teaching of the past academic year & the upcoming curriculum [article]

The library offers courses on information retrieval, research data management, and open science for bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral studies in Finnish and English. These courses are available as mandatory and elective courses, either as separate courses or integrated into larger courses. The library collects feedback on all its courses. The library’s teaching was praised for […]

Answer the survey – help library to improve teaching [article]

Reference management, systematic review, scientific databases… Thesis in progress and rusty skills! What would you like to be taught in the course aimed for master’s thesis writers organized by the library? When should the course be available? At the library, we are updating the course contents and we would like to hear from the students […]

University of Eastern Finland’s recommendation on online teaching ends on 31 Jan 2022 and recommendation on remote work on 15 Feb 2022 [article]

The University of Eastern Finland’s recommendation on online teaching will end at the end of January. On-campus teaching will be resumed gradually, while taking pedagogical viewpoints and restrictions on public gatherings into consideration. The number of people attending lectures, exams and public examinations of doctoral dissertations is limited to 20 people at a time until […]

University of Eastern Finland continues its recommendation on online teaching and remote work until the end of January [article]

The University of Eastern Finland continues its recommendation on online teaching and remote work until the end of January 2022 due to the coronavirus situation, which continues to be difficult. On-campus teaching will only be organised on courses where it is deemed essential, and everyone participating in on-campus teaching is required to wear a mask. […]

The University of Eastern Finland moves to online teaching and recommends remote work until 16 January 2022 [article]

The University of Eastern Finland moves to online teaching, except for the necessary contact teaching, until 16 January 2022 due to the coronavirus situation. Recommendation for remote work will also come into force until 16 January 2022. University follows national guidelines, recommendations issued by the regional coronavirus working group, and orders given by the State […]

Responsible use of leisure time contributes to more contact teaching in higher education institutions and a swift return to normal conditions [article]

Reminder by the Ministry of Education and Culture, the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) and the Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences (SAMOK): Responsible use of leisure time contributes to more contact teaching in higher education institutions and a swift return to normal conditions All students have the right […]

University of Eastern Finland is preparing to return to normal in next autumn’s teaching [article]

At the University of Eastern Finland, teaching in the autumn semester 2021 is prepared to be organised without any restrictions on physical attendance, facility capacities or group sizes. The well-being of teachers and students plays an important role in the planning of next autumn’s teaching. However, it is likely that the coronavirus pandemic hasn’t fully […]