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Search Results: traineeship-abroad

February application period for outgoing exchange studies is open! [article]

The February application period for outgoing student exchange during the academic year 2024-2025 is open 1-15 February 2024. The application period ends on 15 Feb at 3:00 PM (15:00). During this application period, degree students of the University of Eastern Finland are invited to apply for exchange studies in the following exchange programmes: Applying Calls […]

February application period for outgoing exchange studies is open! [article]

The February application period for outgoing student exchange during the academic year 2024-2025 is open 1-15 February 2024. The application period ends on 15 Feb at 3:00 PM (15:00). During this application period, degree students of the University of Eastern Finland are invited to apply for exchange studies in the following exchange programmes: Applying Calls […]

Application period for outgoing exchange studies ends 15 Nov at 3 PM! [article]

The November application period for outgoing student exchange during the academic year 2023-2024 will end tomorrow, 15 November, at 3:00 PM. If your application is unfinished or if you are still considering applying, work fast and submit your application well before the deadline! During this application period, students can apply for bilateral exchange or ISEP […]

Calls for application for outgoing student exchange! [article]

The February application period for outgoing student exchange is open! The application period ends on Tuesday 15th February at 3:00 PM (15:00). Please note that your application must be submitted by the deadline. Late applications will not be accepted, so please make sure to send in your application on time! During this application period, students […]

SoleMove online application system [page]

NB! If you have a contract of employment at UEF (for example trainee, researcher, research assistant etc.), please contact International Mobility Services before starting your application! A contract of employment may have changed your status in SoleMOVE from “student” to “staff” and it needs to be changed before you can access the correct application form. […]

Cancellation of student exchanges and traineeships abroad in the autumn semester 2020 [article]

University of Eastern Finland has decided to cancel all student exchanges and traineeships abroad in the autumn semester 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, this means that planned exchange periods and traineeships abroad cannot be carried out. The students who applied for the autumn semester 2020 received a bulletin via email on Thursday, 28 […]

Calls for applications for student exchange [page]

February application period 1.-17.2.2025 – application period has closed Applicants will be notified of the results by email by the end of March. During the application period, bachelor, master and doctoral students at the University of Eastern Finland may apply for student exchange in the framework of different exchange programmes. The following exchange programmes are […]

Forms and reporting for outgoing students [page]

General information about forms and reporting NB! On this page, you will find information for students who have already been selected for exchange studies or received a traineeship placement abroad. Instructions on how to apply for exchange and other information to read before you apply for exchange can be found on other pages, such as […]