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Autumn 2023 Sports afternoon on 4.10.2023

Sports afternoon advertisement.

SYKETTÄ Sports Afternoon will be held on Wednesday 4 October 2023 in Joensuu and Kuopio. The UEF, Karelia UAS and Savonia UAS hold a sports afternoon together, and by the decision of the university rectors, the sports afternoon is lecture-free from 12:15 pm. SYKETTÄ Sports Services organizes the sports afternoon program, but no SYKETTÄ sticker is required to participate.

On sports afternoon, a wide variety of different exercise options are available both indoors and outdoors, and arranged by external partners. Some of them are free of charge, while others include a separate fee.

The sports afternoon program also includes all the classes on the SYKETTÄ sports calendar that day. To participate in classes and turns in sports calendar on sports afternoon, you don’t have to have a valid SYKETTÄ sticker, but you must be registered as a user and enroll in classes and turns.

The sports afternoon programme is now published! City-specific sports afternoon programs and enrollment schedules can be found on the following websites:

Application period for YUFE Exchanges for spring 2024 starts today!

The application period is open from 11 September to 10 October 2023. The application period closes on Tuesday, 10 October, at 3:00 PM (15:00).

Degree students at the University of Eastern Finland may apply for student exchange at YUFE Alliance host universities for spring semester 2024. Students of all fields of study may apply, as long as the student meets one of the following criteria:

  1. The student has an active and ongoing YUFE Student Journey study right, OR
  2. The student has signed up to complete a YUFE Minor during the exchange

NB! Completing a YUFE Minor does not require having a YUFE Student Journey study right.

Please read more information about the YUFE Alliance and the call for applications on Kamu’s Study Abroad section!

NB! First-year bachelor students are not eligible to apply for exchange studies during their first year of study. Exchange studies are available to students beginning from the second year of study onwards.

The university monitors careers of graduates

The university follows the careers of the graduates, e.g. with a career tracking survey. This year, the career tracking survey starts on 2 October 2023 and ends on 11 December 2023. The target group of the survey is those who have completed a Master’s degree in 2018 and those who completed their doctorate in 2020. The survey is carried out in cooperation with other universities as part of the Aarresaari network.

Why should you answer the survey? With the help of surveys, information is gathered about the academic labor market, the career paths of university graduates, and feedback about studies is collected. The information obtained is used in the guidance of current and future students (e.g. the Töissä.fi- service, which is said to be a particularly popular tool in high schools), in the development of curricula, and in studies about the working life of university graduates. The master’s career tracking survey is also part of the universities’ funding model, so the feedback is really important to the university.

Those who belong to the target group are approached by letter, e-mail or text message, so if you’ll received a contact, we really hope that you will respond to it! The results of previous years can be viewed e.g. Vipunen, maintained by the Board of Education. from the fi statistics service and the aforementioned Töissä.fi service. The University of Eastern Finland’s own results can also be found in Kamu (only in Finnish).

The last meters of the Kilometrikisa cycling competition until 30 September 2023

Kilometrikisa is a light-hearted cycling competition for workplaces, associations, clubs or any other teams. In Kilometrikisa every team member will record their cycling kilometers and the team with the highest number of kilometers will win.

SYKETTÄ Joensuu and Kuopio have their own teams. All UEF, Karelia UAS and Savonia UAS students and staff members are welcome to attend teams!

Come along and collect the kilometers of your own city! The cycled kilometers from past race days can also be marked retrospectively on the calendar. You can find city-specific instructions via the links below:

The opening ceremony of the Academic Year and Campus Happening will be held on 7 September 2023

The Opening Ceremony of the Academic Year 2023–2024 will be held on the Joensuu Campus, Carelia Hall (Yliopistokatu 4) on Thursday, 7 September 2023, from 12:00-15:30. The ceremony programme will start at 14:15 and can be followed online. The link will be published on the ceremony website.

The opening ceremony will start with an academic procession, to be followed by an opening address by Rector Jukka Mönkkönen at 14:15. Sari Multala, Minister of Science and Culture, will give a speech via a remote connection. The address by the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) will be held by Eetu Hyvönen, Chair of the Executive Board of the Student Union. The programme also includes choir performances by the University of Eastern Finland Choir Joy with Matti Makkonen as the conductor.

Before the opening programme, there will be an Opening Ceremony Prayer at The Church of St John the Theologian (Torikatu 41) starting at 12:00. The Pastor is Mikko Sidoroff, and the choir is conducted by Deacon Petri Nykänen.

Campus Happening and City Orienteering will kick-off the academic year

After the opening ceremony, UEF and the Student Union ISYY will organise a Campus Happening and City Orienteering on both campuses, Joensuu and Kuopio, on 7 September, starting at 15:30.

The Campus Happening (Kampusrysäys) kicks off the academic year for the tenth time. The event gathers the university community to celebrate the beginning of the academic year with live music and various activities on the back yard of the Carelia building on the Joensuu Campus and in front of the Studentia building on the Kuopio Campus.

The City Orienteering (Kaupunkisuunnistus) begins right after the Campus Happening. In the Orienteering, students will go around their campus city in groups and will complete different kinds of tasks given to them at control points. The evening will end with an after party.

SYKETTÄ autumn season starts with a free sports trial on September 2023

SYKETTÄ sport services offers many great ways to increase your physical activity throughout your studies. So whether you are looking for group classes, a gym workout or a chance to play ball sports with your student friends, we have it all – with student-friendly prices!

SYKETTÄ autumn season starts with a free sports trial in Kuopio on 4.–17.9. and in Joensuu on 1.–14.9. During these weeks you get a chance to enroll for classes and try all of our services for free! Also during the free sports trial there will be SYKETTÄ Appro in which the aim is to collect markings from SYKETTÄ sports events on your passport. By returning the passport you get your very own badge equivalent and you can take part in a raffle.

To attend a free trial you need to register as a SYKETTÄ user on our website. After that you can enroll in classes via the sports calendar and get ready to move. Notice that without a SYKETTÄ sticker, you can only enroll in classes and turns during the free trial via the sports calendar on the website.

SYKETTÄ sports calendars are published on both campuses. Get to know sports calendars and read more about free trial on websites below:

Renewed operating models for the studies

The University of Eastern Finland has introduced a renewed operating models for Individual study arrangements and Operating model for preventing inappropriate treatment and harassment from 1 August 2023.

Each student has the right to receive reasonable individual study arrangements based on health reasons. Individual study arrangements can be based on any health reason, such as dyslexia, sensory disability, mental health disorder or learning disability. Individual arrangements may also be granted when the harm caused by an injury or illness is temporary, for example, following an accident. It is important that you apply for individual study arrangements in a timely and timely manner (no later than 10 days before teaching/study attainment/exam) by sending the recommendation to the teacher by UEF e-mail, or by showing the recommendation to the teacher in person.

In order to promote your cause, read the instructions carefully and contact e.g. the person responsible for the individual study arrangements of your faculty. Each faculty has its own contact persons. If necessary, you can also contact the experts of Student and Learning Services.

The right to a safe work environment free of harassment, discrimination and bullying is based on the Employment Contracts Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the Non-Discrimination Act and the Act on Equality between Women and Men. Students’ right to a safe study environment free of harassment, discrimination and bullying is based on the Universities Act, the Non-Discrimination Act and the Act on Equality between Women and Men.

Everyone bears responsibility for their own activities to ensure that everyone has a safe and comfortable study or work environment. Students must follow the regulations and instructions issued by the university, individual teachers and the administrative staff regarding their studies. In turn, the staff must comply with the regulations and instructions of the university and their unit. The relationship between a teacher and a student includes, for example, the exercise of power in terms of guidance, counselling and teaching. However, any abuse of power is prohibited. Members of the community must demonstrate through their attitudes and actions that inappropriate treatment of any kind is not tolerated in the community. Everyone bears responsibility for the community’s operating culture.

Read more about the renewed operating models on KAMU’s website. There you will also find the necessary contact information for persons in charge in faculties and support persons.

Further information:

Tiina Juurela, Student Well-being Specialist, Student and Learning Services,
Tuija Pasanen, Head of Student Services, Student and Learning Services,

New student, welcome to FSHS!

Have you been accepted to a higher education institution in Finland? – Welcome to the FSHS services starting from 1 August.

Are you starting your studies in the fall semester of 2023? As a new degree student in higher education you are welcome to use our services at the FSHS. We are here to support your health and well-being throughout your studies.

The FSHS provides students with support for well-being and health. FSHS services are available to you when you have registered to be present for the autumn semester, which has started on 1.8.2023. Read more (opens in a new tab)!

Check which groups meet at FSHS in fall 2023. During the fall, the FSHS offers various groups related to health and well-being at several service units and online. Read more (opens in a new tab)!

Image Auringonkukkia
Image Flowers

UEF campus development webinar on 29 August 2023 at 8:00–9:30

Welcome to a UEF campus development webinar on Tuesday, 29 August 2023 starting at 8:00. In addition to introducing the goals and progress of the UEF campus development project and the joint work that is to be carried out during the autumn, the webinar provides an overview of campus development from the perspectives of future work, teaching and research, as well as facility solutions.

The webinar will be attended by Rectors Jukka Mönkkönen and Tapio Määttä, Director of Administration Tuomo Meriläinen, Project Leader Tero Karjalainen and the project managers and experts of the project group Tarja HarjulaArto KoistinenKari KorhonenJenni VarisJohanna Kraft and Petri Hynynen. In addition, representatives of ARCO, an architect agency, Piia Viitanen and Aapo Huotarinen will provide more detailed information on the work to be carried out during the autumn. Sign in to join the webinar at UEF campus development webinar on 29 August 2023 at 8:00–9:30 ( A recording will be published of the webinar in Viva Engage (Yammer) after the event.

The main language of the webinar is Finnish; however, the presentation material and summaries of the discussion themes will be in English.

The UEF Campus development Viva Engage channel serves as a commenting platform during and after the webinar

Read project Leader Tero Karjalainen’s blog post Campus development moves to the next phase – more concrete actions during the autumn (