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Search Results: work

Register for Language Centre courses! [article]

Registration for Language Centre’s autumn semester courses opens on 1.8.2022 in Peppi (​​​​​​​​​​​​​​.   If the course starts before 11.9.2022, registration ends two workdays before the course starts. If the course begins on 12.9.2022 or later in the first period, registration ends on Thu 8 September. For courses in the second period, registration ends 10 days before the […]

New courses in career & job seeking skills [article]

The UEF Career Services offers courses on career planning and job seeking. They are open to all bachelor’s and master’s degree students. Starting from spring 2023, each 1-ECTS course will be available in English twice a year. This academic year, they will be launched as follows: Autumn 2022Basics of Finnish Working Life – self-study course […]

Individual arrangements [page]

From 1.8.2023 (Decision of the Academic Rector 16/2023 §). When are you entitled to individual study arrangements? Each student has the right to receive reasonable individual study arrangements based on health reasons. Individual study arrangements can be based on any health reason, such as dyslexia, sensory disability, mental health disorder or learning disability. Individual arrangements […]

Cross-institutional studies [page]

Cross-institutional studies are one form of educational cooperation between universities.For the student, cross-institutional studies offer more extensive options. Cross-institutional studies may be described as follows: • Student holds a valid study right at her/his home university which enables her/him to pursue studies at another university. The student must be present at the home university while […]

UEF campus development webinar on 6 June 2022 at 10–11 [article]

Welcome to UEF’s campus development webinar on Monday, 6 June, starting at 10. The second campus development webinar focuses on the alternative visions of the future identified during the scenario work and presents the next steps of campus development. The webinar will be hosted by the university’s Rector, Academic Rector, Director of Administration and Head […]

Grants awarded by the Ida Kokkonen and Walter William Hill Memorial Student Fund [article]

Grants from the Ida Kokkonen and Walter William Hill Memorial Student Fund to undergraduate students have been awarded at the University of Eastern Finland. The Committee of the Fund awarded grants to a total of 10 students in its meeting in May. Following the donor’s wishes, the grant is intended for undergraduate students who lack […]

University of Eastern Finland to introduce digital degree certificates – what will change and why? [article]

The University of Eastern Finland will introduce digital degree certificates as of 1 August 2022. From that date on, traditional degree certificates printed out on paper will no longer be routinely issued. The digital format makes it faster for students to get their certificate, easier to keep it safe, and better supports modern job-seeking. The […]

How could UEF support entrepreneurship? Answer the survey & win movie tickets and product prizes! [article]

UEF Students, what kind of support UEF should give for entrepreneurship? Now is your chance to influence the entrepreneurship and innovation services! We want to find out how we can support and promote the encounter of entrepreneurial minded and interested students in our university community. We are also exploring how you think the university can […]

YUFE Language Help Desk to the rescue! [article]

How to translate a thesis abstract or an article from Finnish into English or vice versa? Do I use Finnish or English grammar correctly? Can I express myself properly in my interactions with a foreign culture? University students, staff, and just about everyone else, sometimes need a helping hand with small translations and occasional language […]

Motivation Wednesday – support for English speaking students and researchers [article]

Feeling low or overwhelmed? Can’t find motivation to study? Procrastination is getting the better of you? Or simply, feeling lonely? Maybe in Motivation Wednesday you can find the support you need?Following the success and popularity among the students of the ‘Tsemppihetki’ (introduced just in the spring 2022), the UEF wants to offer a similar support […]