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Search Results: work

War in Ukraine – How to take care of yourself and colleague? [article]

Lecture is about what happens in human mind when we follow news from the war in Ukraine? We go through basic principles on how to respect your own well-being in current situation? The other lecture is focused to personnel that work with groups. In that lecture we will go through themes mentioned above and think […]

Student Well-being Survey as a Part of the Study Environment Inspections [article]

Study environment inspections are carried out at all universities every three years and at the University of Eastern Finland it will be carried out during this spring. The inspections are coordinated by student healthcare (FSHS) and carried out together with students, the staff at the educational institution and the health inspector of the municipality in […]

University of Eastern Finland offers virtual help-desk services [article]

The University of Eastern Finland has opened virtual YUFE Help Desks, where students in various fields, with the support of their instructors, answer citizens’ questions and advise them in Finnish and English. The free helpdesks are part of the YUFE (Young Universities for the Future of Europe) Alliance and can be found at The […]

A New version of BREAK PRO is now available for students [article]

Download the new version of the Break Pro break exercise training app! The old version no longer works and users will need to install the version from the software centre if they wish to continue using Break Pro. How to install Break Pro to your computer, UEF-student: Install the application from The BREAK PRO […]

Academic community touched by war – how to get help and support? [article]

Katri Ruth, Study Psychologist at the University of Eastern Finland, shares advices how we can foster compassion in our community and alleviate tensions, both of the body and of the mind, during the war events in Ukraine. “Fostering compassionate interaction as part of our work and study culture is particularly important right now. Communicating encouragement […]

Support for difficult situations [page]

Violations against the responsible conduct of research Violations against the responsible conduct of research include research misconduct (fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, misappropriation) and disregard for the responsible conduct of research (e.g. denigrating the role of other researchers in publications, manipulating authorship, self-plagiarism, or careless reporting of research results). If there is reason to suspect a violation […]

Student Barometer collects information on studies and student life – participate to the survey until 9.3.2022! [article]

Student Barometer is a survey aimed at students in higher education. Its purpose is to collect information on students’ experiences and opinions of their studies, student life, and everyday life. Student Barometer is repeated data collection carried out by the Research Foundation for Studies and Education Otus sr. Information produced by Student Barometer is used […]

Methods of completing studies [page]

Education Regulations describe how studies can be completed, and units responsible for courses (in Peppi: course implementations) have the authority to define the ways of completing courses in their curricula, including evaluation of study attainments. Students can complete studies individually or in groups through a variety of written and oral methods, such as lectures and […]

UEF campus development webinar on 1 Feb 2022 [article]

Welcome to a webinar focusing on the future development of the university’s campuses, to be held on 1 February 2022 at 13.00–14.00. The University of Eastern Finland has launched a scenario project on campus development, which will create alternative visions of the operating environment all the way to 2035. The first campus development webinar presents […]

Problem opening links in UEF Primo with Firefox browser [article]

Upgrading the Firefox browser to version 96.0 has caused some links to e-resources in UEF Primo to not open normally remotely with the latest version of Firefox. The problem is currently being investigated. If there is a link in UEF Primo that does not work in Firefox, we recommend using other web browsers and reporting […]