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University of Eastern Finland to introduce digital degree certificates – what will change and why? [article]

The University of Eastern Finland will introduce digital degree certificates as of 1 August 2022. From that date on, traditional degree certificates printed out on paper will no longer be routinely issued. The digital format makes it faster for students to get their certificate, easier to keep it safe, and better supports modern job-seeking. The […]

Exceptions in opening hours in Student and Learning Services’ offices [article]

Current opening hours The General Student Services’ customer service desk is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 am to 3 pm. If you are unable to visit the customer service desk during these times, please contact us by email or phone, and we can set up a meeting for a different time. Visiting […]

How could UEF support entrepreneurship? Answer the survey & win movie tickets and product prizes! [article]

UEF Students, what kind of support UEF should give for entrepreneurship? Now is your chance to influence the entrepreneurship and innovation services! We want to find out how we can support and promote the encounter of entrepreneurial minded and interested students in our university community. We are also exploring how you think the university can […]

YUFE Language Help Desk to the rescue! [article]

How to translate a thesis abstract or an article from Finnish into English or vice versa? Do I use Finnish or English grammar correctly? Can I express myself properly in my interactions with a foreign culture? University students, staff, and just about everyone else, sometimes need a helping hand with small translations and occasional language […]

Fault notification: some PDF files cannot be opened right now [article]

Some of the PDF files in Kamu are shared from the M365 Sharepoint Library. These PDF files do not open at all right now. A similar issue has been identified with other M365 customers as well, and a request for clarification and correction has been made to Microsoft. UEF IT Services and Development Services are […]

Motivation Wednesday – support for English speaking students and researchers [article]

Feeling low or overwhelmed? Can’t find motivation to study? Procrastination is getting the better of you? Or simply, feeling lonely? Maybe in Motivation Wednesday you can find the support you need?Following the success and popularity among the students of the ‘Tsemppihetki’ (introduced just in the spring 2022), the UEF wants to offer a similar support […]

Cookie usage [page]

What is a cookie? A cookie is a small data file stored in your computer, tablet or smartphone. A cookie is not a program that can contain harmful malware or virus. How our website uses cookies Some cookies perform essential functions for our website. Cookies also help us get an overview of your visit to […]

Apply for the YUFE Student Journey on Spring 2022! [article]

Do you want to study in an international environment? How about studying at 10 young research-driven universities in Europe at the same time!  Take your chances and apply to join the YUFE Student Journey. Application period starts 4 April and continues until 24 April 2022. Learn more about the application process below.  The YUFE Student […]

YUFE Student Journey: Online Open Day, 22 March & 28 March! [article]

Are you thinking of enriching your degree programme with courses and activities from 10 universities across Europe? The YUFE Student Journey offers you the opportunity to create your own learning path and broaden your European horizon. Are you interested in the YUFE Student Journey? Sign up and meet YUFE. 22 March 12:30-14:30 (Finnish time zone) […]