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Open science, data protection and data management [page]

The objective of UEF publishing and data policy is to ensure that research data produced with public financing is broadly utilisable for the scientific community and the society at large. This requires the methods, results, data and publications of a research study to be opened. More information about open science and open publishing on Library’s webpages. The Library organises […]

Guidance in doctoral studies [page]

You will receive guidance in doctoral studies by several actors: Contact information The officers at the faculties: Coordinators of the doctoral programmes: Information concerning Doctoral School and the transferable skills studies: Merja Lyytikäinen

Calls for application for outgoing student exchange! [article]

The February application period for outgoing student exchange is open! The application period ends on Tuesday 15th February at 3:00 PM (15:00). Please note that your application must be submitted by the deadline. Late applications will not be accepted, so please make sure to send in your application on time! During this application period, students […]

Methods of completing studies [page]

Education Regulations describe how studies can be completed, and units responsible for courses (in Peppi: course implementations) have the authority to define the ways of completing courses in their curricula, including evaluation of study attainments. Students can complete studies individually or in groups through a variety of written and oral methods, such as lectures and […]

Remember Student Healthcare Fee [article]

Higher education students must pay the student healthcare fee on their own initiative using the OmaKela e-service. Kela does not bill students for the fee. The due date for the spring term is 31 January 2022. Students who attend a traditional university or a university of applied sciences and who are entitled to use the […]

University of Eastern Finland’s recommendation on online teaching ends on 31 Jan 2022 and recommendation on remote work on 15 Feb 2022 [article]

The University of Eastern Finland’s recommendation on online teaching will end at the end of January. On-campus teaching will be resumed gradually, while taking pedagogical viewpoints and restrictions on public gatherings into consideration. The number of people attending lectures, exams and public examinations of doctoral dissertations is limited to 20 people at a time until […]

Study Psychologist [page]

There are currently three study psychologists at UEF who offer counselling to bachelor’s and master’s degree students. Study psychologists are licensed practitioners of psychology who help students in all study-related issues. Study psychologists also offer group counselling and play an important role in developing practices that enhance students’ wellbeing at UEF. Discussions with the study […]

Learn about Climate University courses! [article]

The University of Eastern Finland is a part of The Climate University network, coordinated by the University of Helsinki. Network has formed a teaching cooperation contract between 18 universities. With these new contracts, a majority of Finnish university students can take the network’s climate and sustainability themed courses. The first Climate University courses open to […]

UEF info session on 16 December 2021 at 13–14 [article]

Welcome to a UEF info session on Thursday, 16 December 2021, starting at 13.00. The topics to be discussed include the university’s activities and resources in 2022, as well as information about the coronavirus situation and the university’s guidelines. The info session will be led by the Rector, Academic Rector and Director of Administration. A […]

The Student’s Desktop OPPI opens on 29 November 2021 at 12 pm [article]

The November service break will end soon when OPPI, the Student’s Desktop in Peppi, opens on Monday 29 November 2021 at 12 pm. You can login to Peppi with your UEF account at or through the shortcut on the KAMU Tools page. On the Student’s Desktop, you can, for example, plan your studies, register […]