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Search Results: program

Personal study plan PSP [page]

The personal study plan, PSP, is a plan made by the student for the duration of his or her studies. The degree structure and the curriculum of your degree programme will serve as the foundation of your PSP. Your study coordinator or PSP counsellor will help you in making your personal study plan. The PSP […]

Student communications [page]

Yammer The UEF Opiskelijat // UEF Students community in Yammer is the main channel for UEF student communications. The content includes news and bulletins for all students (including the News page in Kamu) other informal communication In addition to the UEF Opiskelijat//UEF Students community, Yammer is also a good place to follow the UEF Ajankohtaista//UEF Current News community, […]

TalentBoost trainee wanted for ELY Centre in Kuopio [article]

TalentBoost trainee wanted for ELY Centre in Kuopio Take part in -broadcast on Thursday 11.4.2019, at 14:00 in the address Application dead line: 14.4. at 23:45   Currently we are looking for a creative and business-oriented international university graduate or student who is finalizing his/her studies for an International Trainee position in Kuopio […]

Welcome to ISYY’s 9th Annual Jubilee on 16 March 2019 in Kuopio! [article]

Welcome to celebrate the 9th Annual Jubilee of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY)! The Annual Jubilee is held on Saturday 16 March 2019 in Sokos Hotel Puijonsarvi in Kuopio. Programme The greeting reception starts at 4:30 pm on Saturday 16 March at VB Photographic Centre (Kuninkaankatu 14–16). Please reserve your […]

Library improves availability of course books – objective: shorter request queues [article]

Owing to the feedback received, we aim at improving the availability of course books by acquiring more of them. As before, we try to acquire course books in electronic form with unlimited concurrent user access licences. However, if a course book is only available in printed form, we will acquire one lendable copy of the […]

Applying as an incoming exchange student [page]

Exchange students Exchange students are non-degree students who intend to study at the University of Eastern Finland (Joensuu or Kuopio campus) for one or two semesters. These students participate in bilateral or international student exchange programmes (e.g. Erasmus+, YUFE, FIRST, ISEP, Nordplus/Nordlys, bilateral agreement). An exchange student must have completed at least one year of […]

Study Coordinators [page]

Programme coordinators provide information on admissions and studies. They will help you in making your personal study plan. E-mail addresses: (instead of ä and ö, use a and o). Contact information is available also in the UEF//Connect. For general student advisory at the Faculties, the Language Center and the Centre for Continuous Learning (in […]

Thesis and maturity test [page]

A thesis is a academic paper on research related to a degree. It also involves taking a maturity test. The maturity test is for demonstrating that the student is familiar with the discipline of the thesis. Bachelor’s thesis For a bachelor’s degree, a student must prepare a bachelor’s thesis as part of the intermediate studies of […]

Transition period – completing studies [page]

At the University of Eastern Finland, curricula are usually confirmed for three academic years at a time. When the curriculum changes, transition rules are decided between the new and old curriculum. You will find further information on transitional provisions on the education regulations and on the academic rector’s decision. Faculties may have their own practices, […]