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University of Eastern Finland offers admission to 20 Ukrainian students [article]

In response to the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Ukraine, the University of Eastern Finland will make it possible for Ukrainian degree students to apply for admission to the University of Eastern Finland under a separate right to study, and to apply for a grant. The call for applications is aimed at students who have an […]

Apply for the Nordic Centre summer courses in India and China/Sweden! [article]

The application period for the Nordic Centre summer courses in India and China/Sweden has started today and the deadline is 14 March at 15:00 // 3.00 p.m.There are 3 places available for the summer course in Sweden and 3 places for the summer course in India. Nordic Centre in India will organise the course Gender […]

Support for students and studying arrangements related to the war in Ukraine [page]

Russia’s military attack on Ukraine is causing concern in the UEF community. At the same time, the international sanctions against Russia affect the studying arrangements of the university. This website contains information about support channels for students, arrangements related to studying and useful links to sources of information. The university has set up a team […]

Academic community touched by war – how to get help and support? [article]

Katri Ruth, Study Psychologist at the University of Eastern Finland, shares advices how we can foster compassion in our community and alleviate tensions, both of the body and of the mind, during the war events in Ukraine. “Fostering compassionate interaction as part of our work and study culture is particularly important right now. Communicating encouragement […]

Working, studying and communicable diseases in the university’s facilities [article]

Communicable diseases refer to respiratory infections, various poxes and stomach flu, for example.  You may work on campus only when you are healthy. If you have symptoms of a respiratory infection or, for example, stomach flu, stay home. Contact your supervisor or teacher responsible for your course about your absence from work or, if your […]

For your information: The Finnish Defence Forces and agencies will complete defence exercises together in Northern Karelia from 26.2 to 5.3. – The exercises are a part of regular inter-agency cooperation [article]

The Finnish Defence Forces and local agencies will exercise together in Northern Karelia on 26.2.-5.3. The exercises are part of the Defence Forces’ and the region’s agencies’ joint local defence exercises, which take place every two years. The exercises are not connected to the war in Ukraine, but they are a part of regular cooperation […]

UEF expresses support for Ukrainian students and staff members [article]

The University of Eastern Finland condemns Russia’s military action in Ukraine and expresses its support for Ukrainian students and staff members. The University of Eastern Finland is an international and multicultural community with students and staff members representing over 100 nationalities. The recent events in Ukraine are causing concern within our community. There are Ukrainian […]

Problem with the SPSS licenses for home computers [article]

University of Eastern Finland has a contract with a software provider that delivers the licenses from IBM for SPSS. We are still waiting for the home computer licenses ordered in January. During the wait, SPSS can be used in two ways: 1. On the campus computers  2. Via Windows Virtual Desktop on your own computer, either […]

Support for difficult situations [page]

Violations against the responsible conduct of research Violations against the responsible conduct of research include research misconduct (fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, misappropriation) and disregard for the responsible conduct of research (e.g. denigrating the role of other researchers in publications, manipulating authorship, self-plagiarism, or careless reporting of research results). If there is reason to suspect a violation […]

Guidance in doctoral studies [page]

You will receive guidance in doctoral studies by several actors: Contact information The officers at the faculties: Coordinators of the doctoral programmes: Information concerning Doctoral School and the transferable skills studies: Merja Lyytikäinen