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Search Results: library

Bulletin to all students of the University of Eastern Finland regarding the coronavirus situation 17.3.2020 [article]

This message is distributed to all students of the University of Eastern Finland. Take note of the issues that pertain to you. The unusual situation we are currently in has raised many questions and caused worry in all of us, and we wish to provide you with advice and guidelines by communicating with you openly. […]

University of Eastern Finland will close its facilities on 18 March – prepare for the situation today [article]

The University of Eastern Finland will move all of its teaching online and will close its campuses in accordance with the instructions given by the Finnish Government on 16 March. The university’s facilities will be closed on Tuesday afternoon, 17 March 2020 at 16.00 (4 pm). This also applies to the University of Eastern Finland […]

University of Eastern Finland makes teaching available online due to the coronavirus situation [article]

Teaching at the University of Eastern Finland is organised normally at the moment. However, since the coronavirus situation keeps evolving and it can be seen that the epidemic is expanding, the University of Eastern Finland seeks to safeguard the availability of teaching also under exceptional circumstances. The university’s Academic Rector decided on 12 March 2020 […]

Remote access user, in order to access e-resources remotely, do this [article]

Log in to UEF-Primo with your UEF-username and password. You can use the e-resources remotely and save references and searches in UEF Primo. OR You can also search for material without logging in to UEF Primo. If you want to access e-resources outside the university network, you can use the Quick References on library’s homepage […]

Struggling with UEF Primo? [article]

For quick help with UEF Primo challenges, please, contact the library customer services or our chat. We are on call at Joensuu campus library Primo clinic until 24th January 2020 Mon-Fri from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Information retrieval guidance at “Neuvola” from 27th January 2020 Mondays to Fridays from 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. […]

Student´s Well-being guidance point´s opening hours published for spring 2020 [article]

New guidance point (in Finnish: Hyvinvointineuvola) on Joensuu campus offers students advice and guidance on services related to well-being. Finnish Student Health Service´s health nurses, Campus Chaplain, study psychologist, career counsellor, anti-harassment contact person of student union and personnel from Language Centre will take turns to meet you. The well-being guidance point will be open […]

Student´s well-being guidance point starting in January [article]

New guidance point (in Finnish: Hyvinvointineuvola) on Joensuu campus offers students advice and guidance on services related to well-being. Finnish Student Health Service´s health nurses, Campus Chaplain, study psychologist, career counsellor, anti-harassment contact person of student union and personnel from Language Centre will take turns to meet you. The well-being guidance point will be open […]