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Moodle [page]

Student’s Moodle environment Moodle is an online learning environment that includes, for example, course materials, assignments and discussion areas. UEF currently has one Moodle environment: eLearn Moodle. In addition, some courses can be held in Digicampus Moodle, which is a learning environment shared by Finnish universities. The teacher in charge of the course will tell […]

Walk-in coronavirus vaccination for students and employees of the University of Eastern Finland offered on Joensuu Campus on 7 September 2021 [article]

The joint municipal authority for North Karelia social and health services (Siun sote) and the University of Eastern Finland will hold a walk-in coronavirus vaccination event on Joensuu Campus on Tuesday 7 September 2021. The vaccinations take place in the lobby of the Carelia building from 09.00 to 11.00 and from 12.30 to 14.30. Walk-in […]

Student and study register – Peppi [page]

Peppi is an information system entity that is formed by the student and study register, education planning and facility and resource reservations. In Peppi, different functions are organized into virtual desktops based on user roles. Students, teachers, PSP instructors, coordinators, amanuenses, study secretaries, study coordinators, persons reserving facilities, etc., use Peppi in every-day work. In […]

HAKA Login Method Server Update 23.8.2021 at 14:15-16:00 [article]

UEF HAKA (shibboleth) ( servers will be updated on 23.8.2021 at 14:15 – 16:00. Services are available normally during the update and outages are expected. Appearance of the login will be changed after the update. Users have to login again to services after the update. If multiple browsers are used to login to the […]

An almost normal start to the autumn term at the University of Eastern Finland [article]

The University of Eastern Finland aims to have everything running almost normally when the autumn term starts. At the moment, there is no reason why on-campus teaching should not continue, and teachers can use their own discretion when deciding how to carry out teaching. The progress of the coronavirus vaccination programme is taking us closer […]

Library is now in the Tuudo mobile app! [article]

The library has today started using the Tuudo mobile app — you do the same! In Tuudo, you get a digital library card (no more plastic cards!) and you can renew your loans, see your reservations and check the opening hours of the libraries. You will also receive library notifications via Tuudo. To do: Tuudo. […]

Peppi will replace WebOodi at the end of November 2021: student, get ready now! [article]

Peppi will replace WebOodi at the end of November 2021: student, get ready now! The University of Eastern Finland will introduce a new study information system at the end of 2021, when WebOodi will be replaced by a modern Peppi system. Peppi is a data ecosystem that includes the planning of teaching, the reservation of […]

Campus Orienteering [page]

Get to know your campus! Campus Orienteering will open on August 7th. Campus Orienteering allows you to explore your campus and the services offered for students before the start of your studies. It is also useful later, because it helps you to find the right location for campus services. Campus Orienteering is open from August […]

We are looking for students to participate in a unique, communal housing experiment [article]

Would you be interested in communal housing? We are looking for University of Eastern Finland students to participate in a communal housing experiment that will take place in Kuopas’ apartments in Kuopio in the autumn semester 2021. We offer you: A travel card valid on Kuopio City buses and/or the right to use a city […]