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Search Results: info

Registrations for the Language Centre’s spring 2022 courses [article]

Registrations for the Language Centre’s spring 2022 courses that have available places is open in Peppi until 3 January 2022. The available places will be distributed in the order in which students register for the course. Teaching will be organized online in the 3rd period (from Jan 1st to Mar 18th). Teachers will inform students […]

The University of Eastern Finland moves to online teaching and recommends remote work until 16 January 2022 [article]

The University of Eastern Finland moves to online teaching, except for the necessary contact teaching, until 16 January 2022 due to the coronavirus situation. Recommendation for remote work will also come into force until 16 January 2022. University follows national guidelines, recommendations issued by the regional coronavirus working group, and orders given by the State […]

Survey about experiences on diversity, equality and inclusion [article]

Dear University of Eastern Finland student! We map students’ experiences on diversity, equality and inclusion in studies at the University of Eastern Finland. By answering this survey, you participate in developing practices and services at the University of Eastern Finland. Responding to the questionnaire takes only approx. 10-15 minutes. The survey closes on 14.1.2022.Go to […]

Learn about Climate University courses! [article]

The University of Eastern Finland is a part of The Climate University network, coordinated by the University of Helsinki. Network has formed a teaching cooperation contract between 18 universities. With these new contracts, a majority of Finnish university students can take the network’s climate and sustainability themed courses. The first Climate University courses open to […]

The Student’s Desktop OPPI opens on 29 November 2021 at 12 pm [article]

The November service break will end soon when OPPI, the Student’s Desktop in Peppi, opens on Monday 29 November 2021 at 12 pm. You can login to Peppi with your UEF account at or through the shortcut on the KAMU Tools page. On the Student’s Desktop, you can, for example, plan your studies, register […]

UEF-Digistartti will be available until 31st July, 2022! [article]

UEF-Digistartti version 2021-2022 will be available until 31st July, 2022 ( Digistartti will be updated for the new academic year during next summer and the updated version 2022-2023 will be available starting 1st of August, 2022. Updated info on Digistartti in Kamu:

Are you a Master or PhD student interested in bioeconomy and entrepreneurship? [article]

Boost your curriculum with additional modules: moocs, quizzes, and face-to-face sessions during an intensive study week on 20-24 June, 2022 in Bologna. Apply to the program by December 10, 2021. Core modules – Introduction to bioeconomy – Accelerated sustainable entrepreneurship – Design thinking, creativity and innovative products – Knowledge management – Business management and finance […]

Answer ISYY’s Communications Questionnaire 2021! [article]

How does the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland’s (ISYY) communications work and does it reach you? What kinds of things would you like ISYY to communicate about in the future and what channels to use? How would you develop ISYY’s communications? Answer ISYY’s Communications Questionnaire and tell us! By answering the questionnaire, […]

Call for Applicants: Become an Executive Board Member for 2022! [article]

Are you ready to spend the best year of your studies? Do you want to gain valuable experience for working life? Are you interested in significant personal growth as you take the role of an employer for one year? What about promoting students’ welfare on a national level? If you answered yes to any of […]