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Search Results: campus

Survey for students in Kuopio campus [article]

Dear student in Kuopio campus, Hi! I’m third school year wellness business economics student (Savonia University of Applied Science) and I’m doing a thesis together with my mandator Business Center North Savo. Part of this work is study that gathers information about students interests and thoughts about entrepreneurship and innovation education. Results from this study are used […]

20-person limit on gatherings continues on both campuses until 22 February 2021 [article]

The Regional State Administrative Agency for Eastern Finland has continued its order which prohibits, in the municipalities of its area of jurisdiction, all public events and general meetings, both indoors and outdoors, which have more than 20 people attending. The order is in effect from 23 January 2021 to 22 February 2021 and it is […]

Olola space at the Joensuu Campus Library is not available from 15 January to 26 February 2021 [article]

Olola space at the Joensuu Campus Library is not available from 15 January to 26 February 2021. The space is under renovation. The book drop hatch will be closed during the renovation. Books can be returned to the black mailboxes attached to the wall on the left of the library’s entrance door. Newspapers and magazines […]

20-person limit on gatherings is applied to both campuses until 22 January 2021 [article]

By Section 58(1) of the Infectious Diseases Act, the Regional State Administrative Agency for Eastern Finland has prohibited, in the municipalities of its area of jurisdiction, all public events and general meetings, both indoors and outdoors, which have more than 20 people attending. The order is in effect from 23 December 2020 to 22 January […]

University of Eastern Finland tightens its coronavirus restrictions on the Joensuu Campus for the remainder of the year – also Sykettä sports services in Kuopio are discontinued [article]

The City of Joensuu is now at an acceleration phase of the coronavirus epidemic, and this has an effect on the activities of the University of Eastern Finland on the Joensuu Campus. In accordance with the recommendations issued by the regional coronavirus working group, teaching on the Joensuu Campus is mostly organised online for the […]

Coronavirus exposures at Joensuu Campus Library and Restaurant Kampus Bistro [article]

A person who has tested positive for COVID-19 has been in the facilities of the Joensuu Campus Library on Wednesday, 18 November at 16–17.30. A person who has tester positive for COVID-19 has been in restaurant Kampus Bistro on Wednesday, 18 November at 11–12. Siun sote keeps a list of places where exposure to the […]

Several cases of COVID-19 on the Joensuu Campus [article]

Exposed students and teachers will swich to online learning for two weeks, and Sykettä university sports services are discontinued for the remainder of the year in Joensuu Several cases of COVID-19 have been discovered among students on the Joensuu Campus, and there are also several separate chains of transmission in the city. Students and teachers […]

Problems in the -learning environment [article] learning environment continues to be at maintenance mode. CSC is investigating the problem. Current status information can be found on the DC-help support website We apologize for any inconvenience caused! If necessary, you can contact our support service:

What to do when a person who has been on campus is diagnosed with COVID-19? [article]

A staff member diagnosed with COVID-19: is ordered into quarantine by the health authorities, notifies his or her immediate supervisor of a possible sick leave and quarantine in accordance with the university’s normal procedure (infectious disease allowance from Kela is applied for for the university, since the employee will be paid salary for the time of […]