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Search Results: help

Consultation from study psychologist in June [article]

Are you struggling with summer studies? Would you like some support from the study psychologist? During the month of June it is possible to discuss any worries you may have with our study psychologist intern Katja. Send a contact request via SMS to the number +358 50 575 9687. Click here to read more about […]

New operating models on how to provide early support and act in consequence to inappropriate behavior at UEF [article]

New operating models have been developed to help teachers and other staff members: one for early support when concerns arise about student’s behavior and another to identify and act in consequence to student’s inappropriate behavior. In addition, the previous operating model of inappropriate treatment and harassment in studies will be updated this year. The new […]

Application period for the YUFE Student Journey continues until 26 May [article]

Due to Easter Break and need for more time to submit applications, the application period for YUFE Student Journey continues until 26 May 2022. The YUFE Student Journey offers you the opportunity to create your own learning path and broaden your European horizon. Virtual participation is also possible!  Flexibility, diversity, inclusivity and self-directed learning paths […]

Motivation Wednesday – support for English speaking students and researchers [article]

Feeling low or overwhelmed? Can’t find motivation to study? Procrastination is getting the better of you? Or simply, feeling lonely? Maybe in Motivation Wednesday you can find the support you need?Following the success and popularity among the students of the ‘Tsemppihetki’ (introduced just in the spring 2022), the UEF wants to offer a similar support […]

Student Well-being Survey as a Part of the Study Environment Inspections [article]

Study environment inspections are carried out at all universities every three years and at the University of Eastern Finland it will be carried out during this spring. The inspections are coordinated by student healthcare (FSHS) and carried out together with students, the staff at the educational institution and the health inspector of the municipality in […]

Cookie usage [page]

What is a cookie? A cookie is a small data file stored in your computer, tablet or smartphone. A cookie is not a program that can contain harmful malware or virus. How our website uses cookies Some cookies perform essential functions for our website. Cookies also help us get an overview of your visit to […]

Apply for the YUFE Student Journey on Spring 2022! [article]

Do you want to study in an international environment? How about studying at 10 young research-driven universities in Europe at the same time!  Take your chances and apply to join the YUFE Student Journey. Application period starts 4 April and continues until 24 April 2022. Learn more about the application process below.  The YUFE Student […]

Support for students and studying arrangements related to the war in Ukraine [page]

Russia’s military attack on Ukraine is causing concern in the UEF community. At the same time, the international sanctions against Russia affect the studying arrangements of the university. This website contains information about support channels for students, arrangements related to studying and useful links to sources of information. The university has set up a team […]

UEF expresses support for Ukrainian students and staff members [article]

The University of Eastern Finland condemns Russia’s military action in Ukraine and expresses its support for Ukrainian students and staff members. The University of Eastern Finland is an international and multicultural community with students and staff members representing over 100 nationalities. The recent events in Ukraine are causing concern within our community. There are Ukrainian […]

Methods of research and statistics [page]

Finnish Social Science Data Archive has published Research Methods Guidebook. Links to self-learning materials on selection of research methods can be found on the Library webpages. Method courses are also offered by some doctoral programmes as a part of their discipline-specific curriculum. Courses in statistics may be included in the doctoral degree if they comply with the study requirements. […]