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Search Results: social

Teaching, working and services on UEF’s campuses are being restored gradually over the summer and autumn [article]

The return of students to the university’s campuses will begin in August–September, when in-person teaching is prioritised for the university’s new students in particular. Approximately 200 courses will be delivered as in-person teaching in August–September, while paying close attention to safe use of the facilities. Most of the university’s teaching will, however, be offered online […]

UEF entrance examinations to be organised remotely and for small groups [article]

The University of Eastern Finland will be organising its entrance examinations in May and June mostly as remote examinations that will be implemented in two phases. Information has been provided to the applicants of the changes to the student admission procedure and criteria via email, and those who have not yet received the information should […]

Student’s Mental Health Day 2020 [article]

Students’ Mental Health Day will be held on Thursday 23rd of April. This year, Nyyti ry’s campaign theme is friendship. Friends and social support have an important role in wellbeing, especially during exceptional times. Belonging to  a study community supports students’ mental health and progression of studies. #letsdosomething – together! Further information #Letsdosomethin […]

Take out lunch for students becomes available for purchase at Carelia and Snellmania starting 15 April 2020 [article]

Restaurants Carelia in Joensuu and Snellmania in Kuopio starts student priced take away sale on 15 April 2020. Take out lunch subsidised by Kela will become available for purchase to students in the Carelia (entrance A) and Snellmania (entrance I) restaurants starting next Wednesday, 15 April 2020. Lunch is available from Monday to Friday at […]

Important bulletin to students [article]

Dear University of Eastern Finland student, We sincerely hope that the transition to distance learning caused by the coronavirus situation has been a smooth one for you. Moreover, we look forward to seeing you back on campus, safe and sound, after the state of emergency eventually gets lifted in the future. The university’s facilities will […]

ISYY’s Smiles and Complaints Week takes place on 30.3.–5.4.2020 [article]

During the Smiles and Complaints Week, you can send feedback via the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland to ISYY, the University, FSHS (Finnish Student Health Service), Fazer Food&Co, or any other party involved in students’ life. You can give us feedback by filling in our electronic feedback form. What deserves a smile? […]

Student restaurants Tori36 and Tietoteknia open [article]

Opening hours for the restaurants 26-27 March, 2020: Joensuu: Tori36, address: Torikatu 36 Thu 26.3. 10.30-14.00 Fri 27.3. 10.30-13.00 Kuopio: Fazer Food&co Tietoteknia, address: Savilahdentie 6 Thu 26.3. 10.30-13.30 Fri 27.3. 10.30-13.30 *********************************** Opening hours from 24 March, 2020 onwards Joensuu: Tori36, address: Torikatu 36 Monday-Friday 10.30-16.00 Kuopio: Fazer Food&co Tietoteknia, address: Savilahdentie 6 Monday-Friday […]

Discounted prices for student meals now available also in Antell restaurants on Microkatu [article]

New participating student restaurants are Antell Round and Antell Log in Bistro in KPY Novapolis building (former Technopolis) in the address Microkatu 1. The Social Insurance Institution of Finland, KELA´s, meal subsidy for students is €1.94 per meal. The subsidy is deducted from the price of the meal at the student restaurant. You pay the […]

UEF PRIMO replaces the UEF FINNA as the library’s search service [article]

The campus libraries will be closed during the system change from 21st December 2019 until 1st January 2020 and the KUH Medical Library from 20th December 2019 until 6th January 2020. E-materials can be accessed via UEF Finna until 31st December 2019. E-materials can be accessed via UEF Primo by 2nd January 2020 at the […]