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Tuition fees and waivers [page]

Tuition fee paymentsThe annual fee is paid in two equal instalments per academic year. If you are required to pay for tuition you must pay at least one instalment of the fee before the studies start. The payment due dates are: UEF will check the payments at the beginning of each semester (in September and […]

Peppi will take you from Oodi to the 2020’s this autumn! [article]

The new student data system Peppi will be deployed at UEF in three stages in October and November 2021 which also means saying goodbye to WebOodi. Peppi is an information system wherein different features are organized into virtual desktops based on user roles. Peppi comprises education planning, facility and resource reservations, and the student and […]

IT Device Lending Machine [page]

There is an IT Device Lending Machine located at both cities’ campuses. In Joensuu you can find one in the UEF library and in Kuopio you can find one in Oppari and in the UEF library. A Lending Machine contains laptops available for short-term loans. Maximum lending time is four (4) hours.  You may check […]

Student and study register – Peppi [page]

Peppi is an information system entity that is formed by the student and study register, education planning and facility and resource reservations. In Peppi, different functions are organized into virtual desktops based on user roles. Students, teachers, PSP instructors, coordinators, amanuenses, study secretaries, study coordinators, persons reserving facilities, etc., use Peppi in every-day work. In […]

Hold your horses, Tuudo mobile app is coming to the library! [article]

Do you dream of a digital library card? Would you like to take care of all things at one stop? Soon it is possible, as the Tuudo mobile app is coming to the library! If you can wait another week, you’ll get access to the library services in Tuudo, and you will never forget your […]

Peppi will replace WebOodi at the end of November 2021: student, get ready now! [article]

Peppi will replace WebOodi at the end of November 2021: student, get ready now! The University of Eastern Finland will introduce a new study information system at the end of 2021, when WebOodi will be replaced by a modern Peppi system. Peppi is a data ecosystem that includes the planning of teaching, the reservation of […]

Peppi will replace WebOodi at the end of 2021. How to prepare now? [article]

The University of Eastern Finland will deploy a new student data system in late 2021. WebOodi will be replaced by a modern data ecosystem called Peppi. Peppi is an information system wherein different features are organized into virtual desktops based on user roles. Peppi comprises education planning, facility and resource reservations, and the student and […]

Distance exam and study facilities [page]

You can book a quiet space to participate in a distance exam or teaching Teamwork rooms at Oppari There are teamwork rooms in both Joensuu and Kuopio campus. Those facilities are equipped with computers and cameras (either fixed or borrowed). It is possible to reserve a teamwork room for three hours at a time. Reservations […]

Transferable skills studies [page]

The UEF Doctoral School offers in co-operation with the Library and the Language Centre a study module in transferable skills, which is targeted at all doctoral researchers at UEF. The aim of transferable skills courses is that the doctoral researcher familiarises him/herself with the theory and philosophy of science and research ethics and assumes a […]

The University of Eastern Finland will begin restoring its functions in phases beginning 14th May 2020 [article]

Amended 12.5.: Work-related visits to campus are allowed only with permission from the head of department/unit. The University of Eastern Finland will begin lifting restrictions on its functions in phases while observing the restrictions and guidelines from the government at every turn in order to ensure safety and security. The university staff will continue to […]