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Gentle reminder: personal items and computer area etiquette in the library

We kindly remind you of following the library’s terms of use while using our facilities. Please remember that any personal items left unattended are considered lost property and will be handled by the university’s facility management officers.

For those using our 24/7 self-service facilities, we advise to take your belongings with you when leaving. If you leave your items in the library, we will leave them in place until the next morning.

There is plenty of use for computers, so please take others into consideration. If the university’s computer is not used for 15 minutes, it’s freely available to other customers. It’s important to ensure your information security by logging out of sessions when stepping away from the computer.

Please note that installing software on university computers is strictly forbidden, and the university isn’t responsible for equipment or software malfunctions or any damage incurred by malware. As a library customer, it’s your responsibility to follow the university’s information security protocols. 

Thank you for doing your share in making the library a cozy working environment for all of us.

Next UEF info session will be held on 8 May 2024

Welcome to a UEF info session on Wednesday, 8 May 2024, starting at 10:00. The topics of the info session include the financial statements for 2023, the economic outlook, and other current matters. The university’s Rector, Academic Rector, Director of Administration, and Chief Financial Officer will be present at the event.

Please sign in and join the info session via clicking this link.

You can ask questions and provide comments both before and during the event in the UEF info session Viva Engage community. A recording will be published of the info session after the event in Viva Engage.

The library is invoicing overdue and reservation fees in the beginning of April

We are invoicing unpaid overdue and reservation fees in the beginning of April. We send the bills by e-mail. You can avoid the invoicing by paying your fees before that. Web payment on UEF Primo is a quick and easy way to pay the fees online. It is possible if the amount of fees is at least one euro. You can also pay the fees at the Joensuu and Kuopio campus libraries’ customer service with a payment card. Payment is not possible in the KUH Medical Library because there is no cash service.

More information:

Short outages in campus network connections 11.4.2024 at 18.00-00.00

Digital Services performs software updates to network devices on campus. Due to the updates there can be several short outages in the campus networks.

If there are problems with the network connection after the outage, please contact IT Servicedesk ( / 029 445 8880).

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Hey UEF student! Are you our new UEF student ambassador? Apply by 7 April 2024

We are looking for international student ambassadors to assist in international marketing and student recruitment activities of the university in the academic year 2024–2025. We welcome applicants from diverse nationalities and backgrounds, who possess an enthusiastic, motivated attitude and fluent English skills.

Ambassador tasks include i.e. attending webinars and other virtual events and other communication and marketing tasks related to the international degree programmes and participating modeling for the university brochures and advertisements. Your main responsibility includes sharing your firsthand experiences of living in Finland, discussing your studies, and providing insights into student life to potential applicants.

You will receive training for the position, and the tasks will be compensated. The application period opens 25 March and closes 7 April. More information available in the address

Telephone consultation from study psychologists in May 2024

It is possible to consult the study psychologists still during this semester. Send a contact request via text message, and the study psychologist will call you during the consultation hours. Include your whole name and your student number in the text message. You can also directly call the study psychologists during the following consultation hours:  

Tuesday 7th May 1 p.m. – 3 p.m., Study Psychologist Emilia Ranta, tel.+358 50 3386415  

Tuesday 14st May 1 p.m. – 3 p.m., Study Psychologist Mari Tirronen, tel. +358505691806 

Tuesday 21th May 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. Study Psychologist Emilia Ranta, tel. +358 50 3386415 

Easter opening hours at the library 

Joensuu and Kuopio campus libraries are open on Thursday 28th March between 8 am and 1 pm (customer service from 10 am to 1 pm) and closed from Friday 29th March to Monday 1st April.

The library’s 24/7 self-study facilities are open normally.

KUH Medical Library is open on Thursday 28th March between 10 am and 1 pm and closed on Monday 1st April.