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Search Results: orientation

UEF Summertime Helpline to assist new students on 5 June – 11 August 2023 [article]

In summer 2022, the University of Eastern Finland’s Student Services piloted a new peer guidance service for Finnish-speaking degree students. The service has received very good feedback and will be continued in an expanded form in summer 2023. The summertime helpline offers peer guidance by phone and chat for both Finnish and English-speaking degree students […]

Registration after being absent for your first year [page]

These instructions pertain to students who have received a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree study right and have registered as absent for their first year of study due to a statutory reason for absence, and are starting their studies, e.g., a year after receiving their study right. Get to know the new students’ materials and take […]

UEF Library is committed to the Discrimination-​free zone campaign [article]

University of Eastern Finland Library is committed to the Discrimination-free zone campaign, coordinated by the Ministry of Justice. This means fighting against discrimination, acting against it, and recognizing equality between people. Our library welcomes all people regardless of the person’s gender, age, ethnic origin, religion or belief, opinion, state of health, disability or sexual orientation. […]

Career readiness self-assessment [page] – Support for career planning in your study path self-assessment tool helps you recognize and develop your career skills. Career readiness is something you can learn. Career planning involves comprehensive orientation towards the future and building your own identity as a specialist. You will have already started the process before starting your studies, […]

Welcome new students! [article]

It’s again the time of the year when new students come to campuses. You are so warmly welcome! The general orientation for new international students begins on 1.9. at 12 Finnish time. You will find the whole general orientation programme in Kamu. In addition to general sessions most deparments/school will have their own field-specific sessions. […]

Peppi will take you from Oodi to the 2020’s this autumn! [article]

The new student data system Peppi will be deployed at UEF in three stages in October and November 2021 which also means saying goodbye to WebOodi. Peppi is an information system wherein different features are organized into virtual desktops based on user roles. Peppi comprises education planning, facility and resource reservations, and the student and […]

Campus Orienteering [page]

Get to know your campus! Campus Orienteering will open on August 7th. Campus Orienteering allows you to explore your campus and the services offered for students before the start of your studies. It is also useful later, because it helps you to find the right location for campus services. Campus Orienteering is open from August […]

Data protection guide for students [page]

Do you process personal data in your assignments or thesis? Personal data means all information relating to a natural person that makes it possible to directly or indirectly identify the person. Direct identifiers include a person’s name, personal identity code, photo, video footage, voice recording, email address containing the person’s name, and handwritten signature. A […]

Information for new staff members [page]

If you have been employed as a new member of staff, you will obtain information on employment relationship matters e.g. Guide for international staff New employee quick start guide in Heimo (requires UEF login) 10 steps to become UEFian online induction New staff orientation twice a year in autumn and spring (in Heimo, requires UEF […]