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Respond to Career Monitoring Survey!

The national Career monitoring survey is still going on! The target group of the survey in 2018 is those who have completed a Master Degree or in 2020 Doctoral Degree. The University of Eastern Finland approaches those who belong to the target group by letter or e-mail. So, if you have received a mail from university, please respond to survey! It is very important for the university of Eastern Finland. The survey is open until 11 December 2023, but we hope you could respond as soon as possible.

Career monitoring collects information about graduates’ job placement and career. Answers are also collected about satisfaction with the degree and which factors have helped to find employment. Respondents can also give their tips on what skills are needed in working life right now. In addition, the Career monitoring survey for masters, is part of the university’s funding model. So the answers really matter! The Töissä.fi- service is based on career tracking material. Answers from previous years can be viewed from the Vipunen service of the Finnish National Board of Education.


University of Eastern Finland’s new webshop for brand products is now open

A range of gifts and souvenirs featuring the UEF logo is available at the webshop of our new partner Joen Tikkituote starting from autumn 2023. An opening campaign: a free bike seat cover for the 200 first orders. Please see the selection of UEF logo products in the public online store by clicking this link.

UEF info session of 6 November 2023 focuses on the recruitment process of the rectors

Welcome to a UEF info session on Monday, 6 November 2023 at 13:00–13:45.

The board of the University of Eastern Finland has started preparations for the recruitment of the rectors. The terms of office of the Rector and the Academic Rector will end on 31 December 2024. Lea Ryynänen-Karjalainen, the Chair of the UEF Board, will provide an overview of the schedule and progress of the recruitment process, as well as of the hearing of the university community during the preparatory work.

The main language of the UEF info session is Finnish; however, the presentation material and summaries will also be available in English. The Viva Engage group serves as a commenting platform during and after the info session.

Follow this link to join the info session (requires UEF login).

The UEF info session will be recorded and the recording will be published in Viva Engage after the event.


International Week 23-27 October!

International Week is coming again!

International Mobility Services is hosting another International Week in October, from Monday 23rd to Friday 27th. During the week, we will be hosting info sessions about student exchange possibilities and other practical matters related to exchange studies. The schedule and links to the info sessions can be found in Kamu, in the study abroad events page of the Study Abroad section.

In addition to info sessions (in Teams), we will be available at info desks on both campuses on Tuesday, 24th October, from 10 am to 1 pm. In Joensuu, the info desk will be at Aurora building, in the lobby next to Restaurant Aura (A door), while in Kuopio you can find us from Canthia’s second floor.

The info sessions will be organised in Finnish and English, and students are able to participate in all events according to their own opportunity. The sessions will be recorded and published for viewing during the week starting from 30th Oct, and the recordings will remain available for two weeks.

Upcoming application periods!

The November application period will open on November 1st and end on November 15th at 3:00 pm. During this application period, students will be able to apply for bilateral exchange during the autumn semester 2024, spring semester 2025, or full academic year 2024-2025. ISEP Exchange programme and north2north exchange is open for applications for autumn 2024 or spring 2025 (one semester) exchanges.

Calls for applications will be published in Kamu by October 30th, please read through the calls before starting your application!

Webinar on 26 th of October about financial aid for practical trainings

Webinar for international students about how university supports financial practical training and UEF Trainee programme.

There will be new instructions about practical training supported by university, by 1.1.2024 So what does this mean for students? Please, see present instrutions here.


16.00-16.20 Practical training supported by the university as of 1.1.2024/Planner Outi Suorsa
16.20-16.50 UEF Trainee programme/International Relations Coordinator Marko Pietilä
16.50-17.00 Questions? Comments?

Please, do register in order to get participation link: registration form

Exceptions to Student and Learning Services’ customer service opening hours in October 2023

Upcoming exceptions to Student and Learning Services customer service opening hours

Wednesday 4 October 2023 the phone service and customer service desk in both Joensuu and Kuopio close at 12:15 pm due to the sports afternoon.

Week 42 16–20 October 2023 the customer service desk in Joensuu is closed. The phone service and customer service desk in Kuopio are open normally. You can also contact us by email during this time.

NOTE! During the Peppi maintenance break on 18–19 October 2023 we cannot provide transcripts of records, study certificates or other certificates or make changes to study right or annual registration information.

Friday 27 October 2023 the customer service desk in Joensuu closes already at 12:45 pm. The phone service and customer service desk in Kuopio are open normally. You can also contact us by email during this time.

Contact information and regular opening hours

The Student and Learning Services’ customer service desk is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 am to 3 pm.

If you are unable to visit the customer service desk during these times, please contact us by email or phone, and we can set up a meeting for a different time.

Visiting address: Joensuu Aurora A, 1st floor; Kuopio Canthia, 2nd floor

Email address: (Please note that there might be delays in responses during vacation times)

Phone number: +358 29 445 8900

Phone service opening hours: Mon–Fri from 10 am to 3 pm

Large maintenance break in Peppi on 18–19 October 2023

There will be a maintenance break in Peppi on 18–19 October while a new Peppi version is installed.

Note that during the maintenance break the following services will NOT be available:

  • Logging into Peppi (students and staff)
  • Saving new study rights or changing existing study right information or term registration information. These might affect the function of the UEF user account.
  • Enrolling for course units, groups, or exams in Peppi or Tuudo
  • Saving new study attainments and RPL in Peppi, including exams taken in the EXAM system
  • Planning studies and checking study attainments in the personal study plan in Peppi
  • Receiving transcripts of records, study certificates or degree certificates etc. in electric form, pdf or on paper
  • Facility reservations for teaching (or for other use) and making changes to teaching timetables
  • The following plug-in services will also not be available during the maintenance break: Study guide, Atomi, Lukkarikone and Tuudo Feedback

Services functioning partially during the maintenance break:


  • Most functions are working normally, e.g., teaching timetables.
  • Course search, new enrolments for course units or exams, and course feedback will not work.


  • Exams can be taken if the enrollment is done before the maintenance break.
  • New enrollments for exams cannot be made.
  • Study attainments will not transfer to Peppi during the maintenance break.


  • Most functions are working normally.
  • New enrollments for courses using Peppi-Moodle integration will not transfer to Moodle.

Prepare for the maintenance break, and do the following on 17 October at the latest, if needed:

  • Enroll for course units and exams in Peppi, Tuudo, or EXAM
  • Check and save teaching timetables and links for remote lectures (e.g., teams, zoom). Teaching timetables can be seen in Tuudo during the maintenance break.
  • Download your transcript of records or study certificate from the Atomi-service in Peppi.

The new Peppi version will improve information security, accessibility, and technical functionality. Additionally, the new version includes legal and other improvements to services and provides corrections to the source code.

After the large maintenance break on 18–19 October, shorter maintenance breaks are possible to normalize the function of the Peppi ecosystem.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the maintenance break!

Please send your questions and feedback to

Respond to Career Monitoring Survey!

The national Career monitoring survey is still going!The target group of the survey in 2018 is those who have completed a Master Degree or in 2020 Doctoral Degree. The University of Eastern Finland approaches those who belong to the target group by letter, e-mail or text message. The survey is open until 11 December 2023.

Career monitoring collects information about graduates’ job placement and career. Answers are also collected about satisfaction with the degree and which factors have helped to find employment. Respondents can also give their tips on what skills are needed in working life right now. In addition, the Career monitoring survey for masters, is part of the university’s funding model. So the answers really matter! The Töissä.fi- service is based on career tracking material. Answers from previous years can be viewed from the Vipunen service of the Finnish National Board of Education.


Wellbeing Week 2.-7.10.2023

The purpose of the upcoming Wellbeing Week is to offer UEF students and staff a well-being programme throughout the week. This year, the theme of the week is to add breaks and activity to everyday life.

The programme of the Wellbeing Week has been published on ISYY’s webpage (opens in a new window). In addition to many events and occasions you can find there for example WellbeingAppro 2023 guidelines for participation and also instructions how to get morning porridge for only 1 € in Aura, Futura, Snellmania ad Canthia campus restaurants at 7:45-9 am throughout the whole Wellbeing Week.

And, did you know, that Break Pro break exercise program is now available free of charge for UEF students and staff? The programme is available in 11 languages. Read more here!

Welcome to join us!

Nationwide selection of doctoral courses expands – already 11 universities involved

Finnish universities are intensifying their collaboration in doctoral education. A nationwide selection of doctoral courses (DoC) was launched in February 2023, with Hanken School of Economics, the University of Turku and the University of Vaasa now joining the network of partner universities, which already includes Aalto University, the University of Eastern Finland, the University of Jyväskylä, the University of Lapland, LUT University, the University of Oulu, Tampere University and Åbo Akademi University.

The expansion of the network offering doctoral courses further diversifies and increases the number of courses available to all doctoral researchers who have a doctoral study right in one of the partner universities. Now, doctoral researchers from an increasing number of universities can take jointly offered courses.

“The University of Turku decided to join the network in order to boost academic collaboration in doctoral education. Opening our selection of courses and engaging in closer collaboration will benefit doctoral researchers across Finland. The nationwide selection of doctoral courses also enhances young researchers’ opportunities to take the courses that best support their own research and competence development in a timely fashion. The University of Turku Graduate School UTUGS is also interested in developing the nationwide selection of doctoral courses in an increasingly systematic and coordinated direction on one hand to remove unnecessary overlaps and on the other hand to fill any possible gaps,” says Professor Pirjo Nuutila, Director of the University of Turku Graduate School.

The nationwide selection of doctoral courses includes discipline-specific courses as well as courses related to research methodology. Courses are offered in Finnish, Swedish and English. Most courses can be attended remotely or online. Find the selection of doctoral courses and course contents at:

The partner network, and the agreement on educational cooperation between them, are coordinated by the University of Eastern Finland.

“We are delighted about the expansion of the network and about the increasing number of courses available to doctoral researchers. This is a wonderful example of smooth nationwide collaboration in doctoral education,” says Head of Academic Affairs Kaisa Laitinen of the University of Eastern Finland.

For further information, please contact:

Kaisa Laitinen, Head of Academic Affairs, University of Eastern Finland,, tel. +358 50 432 7573