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Search Results: registration

Checklist for outgoing exchange students [page]

Checklist: before your exchange Start planning your exchange: Why do you want to go? What are your goals for the exchange? Where do you want to go? What do you want to study during your exchange? Your major, minor, the local language, something else? What language do you want to use when studying? English? Another […]

Freemover/Visiting Student exchanges [page]

You can also apply for exchange studies outside exchange programmes, with a freemover or visiting student status. It is a good idea to chart the international contacts of your department/school when planning an independent student exchange. Many students have found great study and internship locations independently. It takes initiative to apply for independent studies abroad: […]

Examinations [page]

General rules and regulations on study attainments, ways of completing studies, the evaluation of study attainments and reporting the results are set out in the University of Eastern Finland Education Regulations section 31. Course-specific examinations The students pre-register for each exam in Peppi during the course-specific exam registration period.  The students should always attend the first possible […]

Academic calendar [page]

The university provides education during the autumn and spring semesters. Education has been divided into period and there are four periods per academic year. The official academic year starts on 1 August and ends on 31 July. Courses may include teaching over several periods. There may also be teaching outside the periods but never during the […]

Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) [page]

ISYY is here to advocate UEF students’ rights ant to provide services! The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (opens in a new tab), ISYY, is UEF students’ advocacy and service organisation. All Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students of UEF despite their study field are automatically required to join ISYY according to the […]

Health Care for Students [page]

Four different health care sectors Finnish student health service, FSHS Fnnish Student Health Service (opens in a new tab) (Ylioppilaiden terveydenhuoltosäätiö, YTHS) provides all Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students of the University of Eastern Finland, with preventive health care, medical care, mental health care, and dental care. Please note that FSHS offers NO emergency or […]

Campus restaurants and lunch menus [page]

Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students and international exchange students are eligible for discounted meals at most campus restaurants. You qualify for the meal subsidy at the restaurant by presenting a valid student ID card. As the Student Union membership is not compulsory for exchange students, those students who decide not to obtain the student card […]

Forms [page]

Study right and registration Forms in DOCX-format should be downloaded, filled in, printed and signed! Applying for an extension to the tuition waiver Students liable for tuition fees can apply for an extension to the tuition waiver when the duration of studies with the tuition waiver is about to expire, and the student has not […]

University Study Skills 8031003, 1 cp [page]

Hi there new student! Are you looking for support to get your studies started? Would you like to learn new study skills to enhance your learning? What does it actually take to study at a Finnish university? Where to get help if you feel home sick or stressed? University Study Skills (8031003, 1 CP) The […]