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ISYY Association Days on 15.-17.4.2019 [article]

Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) organizes Association Days on 15.4.2019 at Kuopio campus and on 16.-17.4.2019 at Joensuu campus. Come and find out what ISYY and associations close to it have to offer. It’s also possible that you’ll find some new activities from Association Days! ISYY Association Days are open for […]

ISYY’s Events Related to the Parliamentary Elections 2019 [article]

The 2019 Finnish parliamentary elections are scheduled to be held in April. The election day is Sunday the 14th of April and the advance voting takes place between the 3rd and 9th of April. The Student Union (ISYY) is organising parliamentary elections themed events on both of our campuses. During the weeks 13 and 14, […]

The opening hours of general student services as of 1 February [article]

As of 1 February, the customer service desks of general student services on both campuses are open Mon-Fri at 12-15. Exceptions to opening hours will be announced on the Student and Learning Services website. The customer service phone line (+358294458900) is open from 10 to 15. If you cannot visit us during our opening hours, […]

Survey About Nyyti Ry’s Veb Activities – Win a Gift Card to [article]

We want to get feedback and suggestions for the future regarding Nyyti’s web activities, website, and online content. Your opinion is very important to us, and it will help us develop our operations so that we can provide even better service in the future. It only takes 5 – 10 minutes to fill out the […]

Grant for studies and/or research period [article]

GRANT FOR STUDIES AND/OR RESEARCH PERIOD ABROAD IN 2019   Target groups and eligibility criteria The Saastamoinen Foundation has donated EUR 10,000 to the University of Eastern Finland, to be used for the Anitta Etula Special Grant. The grant will be awarded to one Master’s level student with a doctoral study right or to one […]

Registration of non-degree students [page]

Non-degree students cannot become members of the Student Union, which means that they are not entitled to the student benefits. However, the Student Union may choose to allow non-degree students from certain student groups to join the Student Union. Find more information from the article on Student Union membership fees. After the study right has […]

Registration instructions for new bachelor’s and master’s degree students [page]

These registration instructions are for new bachelor’s and master’s degree students starting their studies at UEF. If you are an exchange student, here you can find the registration instructions for exchange students. The academic year at the University of Eastern Finland officially begins on 1 August and ends on 31 July. The autumn semester courses […]

Processing of personal data in UEF [page]

Read about processing of personal data in UEF, the requirements set to the university when processing personal data and the rights of subjects at the UEF website on data protection and processing of personal data (opens in a new window). You can also find data protection guide for students in Kamu. You can find information […]

Accessibility in studies – aids and facilities [page]

Accessibility refers to the design of physical, psychological and social environments so as to allow everyone to function as equals despite their individual characteristics. At the university, accessibility is something that concerns all students and staff members; however, it is of particular importance to those members of the academic community who have a disability, who […]

Traineeship options abroad [page]

The aim of a traineeship abroad is to support studies as well as develop a student’s professional ability for international duties. International traineeships offer chances to acquire useful contacts, gain work experience and language skills, and learn the customs and corporate culture of the host country. The traineeship must be related to the student’s major […]