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Search Results: campus

Support for students and studying arrangements related to the war in Ukraine [page]

Russia’s military attack on Ukraine is causing concern in the UEF community. At the same time, the international sanctions against Russia affect the studying arrangements of the university. This website contains information about support channels for students, arrangements related to studying and useful links to sources of information. The university has set up a team […]

Working, studying and communicable diseases in the university’s facilities [article]

Communicable diseases refer to respiratory infections, various poxes and stomach flu, for example.  You may work on campus only when you are healthy. If you have symptoms of a respiratory infection or, for example, stomach flu, stay home. Contact your supervisor or teacher responsible for your course about your absence from work or, if your […]

Problem with the SPSS licenses for home computers [article]

University of Eastern Finland has a contract with a software provider that delivers the licenses from IBM for SPSS. We are still waiting for the home computer licenses ordered in January. During the wait, SPSS can be used in two ways: 1. On the campus computers  2. Via Windows Virtual Desktop on your own computer, either […]

Did you know that you can return books by mail as well? [article]

You can send books to the P. O. Box addresses of libraries at your own risk. It is noteworthy that the books should be sent from the Post Office. The library does not have a mobile phone number for arrival notices, so the package cannot be sent online. Mailed books are distributed directly to campus. 

Methods of completing studies [page]

Education Regulations describe how studies can be completed, and units responsible for courses (in Peppi: course implementations) have the authority to define the ways of completing courses in their curricula, including evaluation of study attainments. Students can complete studies individually or in groups through a variety of written and oral methods, such as lectures and […]

Let’s respect the quiet working conditions at the library [article]

Lately we have received feedback on excess noise at the library. We hope that every customer takes others into consideration by keeping their voice down, using a mask and keeping the shared space tidy. Quiet working conditions are our common right and everyone has a responsibility to intervene. If the noise level gets out of […]

University of Eastern Finland’s recommendation on online teaching ends on 31 Jan 2022 and recommendation on remote work on 15 Feb 2022 [article]

The University of Eastern Finland’s recommendation on online teaching will end at the end of January. On-campus teaching will be resumed gradually, while taking pedagogical viewpoints and restrictions on public gatherings into consideration. The number of people attending lectures, exams and public examinations of doctoral dissertations is limited to 20 people at a time until […]

Restriction on public gatherings tightened to 20 people [article]

The number of people attending events organised by the university (public examinations of doctoral dissertations, lectures, exams, etc.) is limited to 20 people until 14 February 2022. The restriction follows the Regional State Administrative Agency for Eastern Finland’s latest decision, according to which all public events and gatherings of more than 20 people indoors, and […]

General practical instructions [page]

Before arriving to Finland After arriving Arriving at campuses Personal access badge You can apply for a personal access badge using this form. If you already have an access badge, you can request access rights to be added to another space (eg electronic exam) for the same access badge. You will be notified by email when […]