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Search Results: computer

Zotero trainings on autumn term 2024 [article]

Zotero reference management software training 8 October at 10-12 (Teams) (link opens in a new tab) Zotero reference management software training 7 November at 13-15(Teams) (link opens in a new tab) Zotero reference management software training 12 December at 13-15 (Teams) (link opens in a new tab)

Zotero trainings on spring term [article]

Zotero reference management software training 13 February 2024 at 9-11 (Teams) Zotero reference management software training 22 March 2024 at 9-11 (Teams) Zotero reference management software training 24 April 2024 at 9-11 (Teams) Zotero reference management software training 29 May 2024 at 13-15 (Teams)

Thorium Reader is the new reading application for Ellibs books [article]

For those who use Ellibs on computer, it is now possible to download eBooks to Thorium Reader. Thorium Reader supports the open-source Readium LCP (Licensed Content Protection) protection method for eBooks. Thorium Reader has paid special attention to accessibility. The application has, for example, a built-in read aloud feature for eBooks and extensive options for […]

Kuopio Campus Library’s customer service closed on Wed 19th July 2023 until 12 noon [article]

Kuopio Campus Library’s customer service is closed on Wednesday 19th July 2023 at 12 noon due to a power outage. The power outage will last from 7 am to 12 noon. During the outage, you can use the library facilities. Please note: e.g. customer computers and UEF Primo computers are out of use.

Cookie usage [page]

What is a cookie? A cookie is a small data file stored in your computer, tablet or smartphone. A cookie is not a program that can contain harmful malware or virus. How our website uses cookies Some cookies perform essential functions for our website. Cookies also help us get an overview of your visit to […]

A New version of BREAK PRO is now available for students [article]

Download the new version of the Break Pro break exercise training app! The old version no longer works and users will need to install the version from the software centre if they wish to continue using Break Pro. How to install Break Pro to your computer, UEF-student: Install the application from The BREAK PRO […]

Distance and online learning [page]

Distance learning means studying that is non-place-bound and may also be non-time-bound. Usually, the studying is partly or entirely online. Hybrid learning combines different forms of studying. In hybrid learning, teaching is both local and online. In distance learning, one’s own activity is very important. The ability to concentrate and schedule one’s own studies also plays an important […]

Printing, copying, and scanning [page]

Multifunctional printers You can print, copy and scan with the multifunctional printers found in Oppari self-study space, libraries and computer lecture rooms. The multifunctional devices are located in Joensuu in Carelia, Agora, Borealis, Educa, Futura, Metria, and Natura campus buildings, and in Kuopio in Oppari in Canthia and Snellmania Library: see Joensuu campus map ja […]

Microsoft 365 [page]

The Microsoft 365 service offered by the university includes e.g. e-mail, personal storage, co-working spaces, digital notebook, Office tools (also available for UEF students to download to their own mobile devices and computers) and a search center. New apps and tools are constantly added to the Microsoft 365 environment. A list of tools is provided […]