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Search Results: tuudo

Lukkarikone – Schedule Assistant [page]

Lukkarikone shows a student’s schedule and students can also create new ones. Teachers can also create schedules in Lukkarikone based on their teaching schedules. Lukkarikone retrievesinformation from Peppi, in other words, you cannot add implementations nor sign up for anycourses in Lukkarikone. You can browse through and plan schedules in Lukkarikone even before you have […]

Peppi will take you from Oodi to the 2020’s this autumn! [article]

The new student data system Peppi will be deployed at UEF in three stages in October and November 2021 which also means saying goodbye to WebOodi. Peppi is an information system wherein different features are organized into virtual desktops based on user roles. Peppi comprises education planning, facility and resource reservations, and the student and […]

Distance and online learning [page]

Distance learning means studying that is non-place-bound and may also be non-time-bound. Usually, the studying is partly or entirely online. Hybrid learning combines different forms of studying. In hybrid learning, teaching is both local and online. In distance learning, one’s own activity is very important. The ability to concentrate and schedule one’s own studies also plays an important […]

Digital environment [page]

You can find digital environment for students, for example: Support Support channels to students Training and guidance

Peppi will replace WebOodi at the end of 2021. How to prepare now? [article]

The University of Eastern Finland will deploy a new student data system in late 2021. WebOodi will be replaced by a modern data ecosystem called Peppi. Peppi is an information system wherein different features are organized into virtual desktops based on user roles. Peppi comprises education planning, facility and resource reservations, and the student and […]

Bridges -project supports students wellbeing [article]

The Ministry of Education and Culture has awarded the university a special grant for 2021 and 2022 to take the measures necessitated by the coronavirus epidemic to reinforce support for student counselling and student wellbeing. The two-year Bridges -project aims to take action to strengthen the engagement and inclusion of students and prevent exclusion. The […]

Distance exam and study facilities [page]

You can book a quiet space to participate in a distance exam or teaching Teamwork rooms at Oppari There are teamwork rooms in both Joensuu and Kuopio campus. Those facilities are equipped with computers and cameras (either fixed or borrowed). It is possible to reserve a teamwork room for three hours at a time. Reservations […]

Student card and student benefits [page]

As a member of the Student Union, you are entitled to a student ID card and the benefits and services that come with it. ISYY, the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland is responsible for looking out for the interests and rights of the university’s students. Ordering a student card The student card […]