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Search Results: work

Requirements of doctoral studies and study plan [page]

Personal study plan The studies will be specified in a personal study plan, which must be created within three months after receiving the right to study. Create the plan in co-operation with your main supervisor in Peppi or by using the doctoral study plan- form, depending on the instructions of your doctoral programme. The personal […]

Philosophical Faculty’s instructions for publishing the doctoral dissertation [page]

The Philosophical Faculty will support its doctoral candidates in the publication costs of a doctoral dissertation, such as the basic layout, printing and proofreading of the manuscript and abstract written in a foreign language. UEF’s contractual service provider must be used when the dissertation is published under the faculty’s publication series and the publication costs are […]

Grants of Teollisuusneuvos Heikki Väänänen Fund for 2021 [article]

Application period: 12 October–11 November 2020 Teollisuusneuvos Heikki Väänänen Fund awards grants for wood-related scientific research at the University of Eastern Finland. Grants may be awarded for research projects that increase research-based knowledge of wood and promote the development of novel wood products or enhance the use and usability of wood for the needs of […]

Switch to Teams Only mode – Skype for Business will be phased out [article]

Teams will replace the Skype for Business application by the end of July 2021. UEF users can switch to Teams only now. Teams only users use Teams as a meeting and instant messaging tool instead of Skype for Business, also when interacting with Skype users. Further information in Heimo, login required (questions and answers, migration, […]

A message from Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare to students [article]

Student, protecting yourself from coronavirus also protects your roommate, grandparents and siblings It is a fact that we will have to live with coronavirus for some time still. What’s more important is knowing the best ways to prevent infections. By protecting yourself from infection you also protect your family and friends. Even if you do […]

Who could you listen to? [article]

The number of mental health-related sick leaves of employees has increased sharply. For the first time, mental disorders surpassed musculoskeletal diseases as the main cause for retirement on a disability pension. Similarly, more and more students suffer from mental health problems, according to the Finnish Student Health and Wellbeing Survey. The numbers of mental health-related […]

University of Eastern Finland tightens its recommendation on the use of face masks from 8 October; in-person teaching in the spring semester 2021 will be offered as possible [article]

The University of Eastern Finland responds to the escalation of the COVID-19 situation in its campus cities by recommending the use of face masks in all facilities with several people present, including on lectures. The new recommendation will enter into force on Thursday, 8 October 2020. The university’s earlier recommendation only pertained to situations where […]

Sports Afternoon programme has been canceled for Wednesday, 7 October 2020 [article]

By the decision of the University of Eastern Finland, Karelia University of Applied Sciences and Savonia University of Applied Sciences, the Sports Afternoon programme has been canceled on Wednesday, 7 October 2020. The reason for the cancellation is the rapid progression of the corona epidemic and the consequent increase in the risk of infection. An […]

Services and technical support [page]

Digital Services UEF Digital Services offers ICT and Learning Technology services for UEF staff and students. You can contact IT Servicedesk by phone, via chat, email or eServices (see below). eServices On the eServices website (requires UEF login), you can request online support for the use of different UEF services or report on any disruptions. You […]