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Search Results: info

Reserve reading room copies for overnight or weekend loan in UEF Primo [article]

Most of the reading room copies can be borrowed overnight or for a weekend. You can now make a reservation for these books in UEF Primo. Log in to UEF Primo with your UEF username. Search the book, scroll down to the end of the locations listing and click your own library under Reserve a […]

Physical activity tests for the students and staff members in Joensuu [article]

SYKETTÄ Joensuu organizes physical activity tests for the students and staff members of the the University of Eastern Finland and Karelia University of Applied Sciences on Tuesday 15.3.2022 at 3pm-5pm in Joensuu Areena. Test day is open for both students and staff members. Due to the current corona situation, it is only possible to perform […]

UEF expresses support for Ukrainian students and staff members [article]

The University of Eastern Finland condemns Russia’s military action in Ukraine and expresses its support for Ukrainian students and staff members. The University of Eastern Finland is an international and multicultural community with students and staff members representing over 100 nationalities. The recent events in Ukraine are causing concern within our community. There are Ukrainian […]

Problem with the SPSS licenses for home computers [article]

University of Eastern Finland has a contract with a software provider that delivers the licenses from IBM for SPSS. We are still waiting for the home computer licenses ordered in January. During the wait, SPSS can be used in two ways: 1. On the campus computers  2. Via Windows Virtual Desktop on your own computer, either […]

Tuition fees and waivers [page]

Each UEF student who is required to pay tuition fees will receive a student agreement related to tuition fees and scholarships for signature. Please read the agreement carefully and note that detailed information should always be verified from the student agreement. Your primary contact for matters related to tuition fees and scholarships is the programme […]

Scientific writing and publishing [page]

Language Centre offers education for doctoral researchers on scientific writing: Research writing in English (4 ECTS). The Library provides guidance e.g. on selecting publishing channels, applying for support for article processing charges granted by the university or publishers, and copyright matters. The library maintains the UEF eRepository (eRepo), an open access materials repository, that contains theses and […]

Methods of research and statistics [page]

Finnish Social Science Data Archive has published Research Methods Guidebook. Links to self-learning materials on selection of research methods can be found on the Library webpages. Method courses are also offered by some doctoral programmes as a part of their discipline-specific curriculum. Courses in statistics may be included in the doctoral degree if they comply with the study requirements. […]

Open science, data protection and data management [page]

The objective of UEF publishing and data policy is to ensure that research data produced with public financing is broadly utilisable for the scientific community and the society at large. This requires the methods, results, data and publications of a research study to be opened. More information about open science and open publishing on Library’s webpages. The Library organises […]

UEF students, develop your study and working-life skills in online trainings! [article]

University of Eastern Finland provides its staff and students with online trainings, which help to develop the most essential study and working-life skills. “Keys to Well-being – 5 Steps towards Future Work Skills” online trainings are designed to improve self-management skills, which are increasingly important in the changing world of work and study. Transformation of […]

Guidance in doctoral studies [page]

You will receive guidance in doctoral studies by several actors: Contact information The officers at the faculties: Coordinators of the doctoral programmes: Information concerning Doctoral School and the transferable skills studies: Merja Lyytikäinen