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Search Results: study

Printing Available in Oppari in August [article]

It will become possible to print documents again in Oppari, according to the following schedule: • in Kuopio Oppari, starting 3rd of August, Mon-Fri 09:00-15:00 • in Joensuu Oppari, starting 17th of August, according to the Joensuu Library opening hours There will be a PC station in Oppari intended for carrying out printing jobs only. […]

Stay active! – students’ wellbeing in summer [article]

Student Union ISYY organises this summer Stay Active! – students’ wellbeing in summertime -project with the funding from European Social Fund. Project is organised at Joensuu campus and online between 22.6.– 31.8.2020. The events are open to all UEF students. Students of the Kuopio campus can also participate in online events. The aim of the […]

Digistartti for new students [page]

The link to Digistartti 2023-2024 (opens in a new window). Important! Digistartti platform in English for the academic year 2023-2024 will be closed on 31.7.2024! If your assignments are in progress, please complete them by 31.7.2024. If you are a new student starting your studies in autumn 2024, go to “Digistartti” for the academic year […]

Information about services available this summer 2020 [article]

Completion of final theses and experimental sections included in them Crucial research work may continue in the university’s facilities. Whether or not the experimental section of a thesis is deemed crucial will be assessed by the relevant research group’s director, supervisor or other person in charge of supervision. So, the first thing to do is […]

Remember to apply for student financial aid and housing allowance (KELA announcement 9.6.2020) [article]

Were you granted a place of study? Remember to apply for student financial aid and housing allowance New students should apply for student financial aid and general housing allowance in time. Student financial aid and housing allowance are applied for on separate applications. New students can apply for student financial aid when the place of […]

Most of the University of Eastern Finland’s teaching will be offered online in the autumn semester 2020 [article]

Teaching at the University of Eastern Finland will continue to be organised online throughout the autumn semester 2020.  However, laboratory courses, field courses, internships deemed necessary, and other teaching that is impossible or unreasonably hard to organise online, can be offered as in-person teaching. In addition, in-person teaching can also be organised for new students […]

UEF entrance examinations to be organised remotely and for small groups [article]

The University of Eastern Finland will be organising its entrance examinations in May and June mostly as remote examinations that will be implemented in two phases. Information has been provided to the applicants of the changes to the student admission procedure and criteria via email, and those who have not yet received the information should […]

Universities decided on changes to spring student admissions [article]

It is important that applicants keep preparing for the admissions and take care of their wellbeing. Their long-term preparations have not gone to waste. The universities have decided on the implementation of student admissions in the current emergency conditions. All the units responsible for the study options available for application will publish their changed policies […]

New website opened 21 April 2020 [article]

The University of Eastern Finland´s new website is now open in the address! The first ones to get a new layout are the main sections of the website: the home page and the pages dedicated to news and events, studying, research, collaboration and university presentation. The websites of the faculties and units will […]

Student’s Mental Health Day 2020 [article]

Students’ Mental Health Day will be held on Thursday 23rd of April. This year, Nyyti ry’s campaign theme is friendship. Friends and social support have an important role in wellbeing, especially during exceptional times. Belonging to  a study community supports students’ mental health and progression of studies. #letsdosomething – together! Further information #Letsdosomethin […]