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Search Results: study

University of Eastern Finland will organise entrance examinations by using online solutions and other alternatives – participants will be informed of changes by email [article]

The University of Eastern Finland has begun to reorganise the way entrance examinations will be held this spring under the prevailing state of emergency. It has already been decided that some of the first entrance examinations in April will be organised by using online solutions. The Philosophical Faculty’s internal student admissions to minor subject studies […]

Unifi: University entrance exams to be replaced by alternative admissions procedures this spring [article]

The Finnish universities have concluded that, due to the coronavirus situation, organising traditional entrance examinations is not possible without compromising the safety of those involved. What makes guaranteeing safety impossible is the severity of the pandemic, the difficulty of identifying those at a higher risk for serious illness, as well as the risks associated with […]

University of Eastern Finland closes its facilities and moves to online teaching and remote work [article]

The University of Eastern Finland will close its campuses and moves all teaching online, in accordance with the instructions issued by the Finnish Government on 16 March. All facilities of the University of Eastern Finland will be closed on Tuesday 17 March 2020. The Government has announced, in cooperation with the President of the Republic, […]

Bulletin to all students of the University of Eastern Finland regarding the coronavirus situation 17.3.2020 [article]

This message is distributed to all students of the University of Eastern Finland. Take note of the issues that pertain to you. The unusual situation we are currently in has raised many questions and caused worry in all of us, and we wish to provide you with advice and guidelines by communicating with you openly. […]

University of Eastern Finland tightens regulations on the COVID-19 coronavirus [article]

The University of Eastern Finland tightens its regulations relating to the COVID-19 coronavirus. As of Friday, 13 March 2020, all work- and studies-related travel abroad is prohibited, and leisure time travel is recommended to be avoided as well. Everyone returning from abroad must work or study from home for 14 days before coming to the […]

Student’s well-being guidance point’s opening hours at Kuopio campus for spring 2020 [article]

The guidance point (in Finnish: Hyvinvointineuvola) at Kuopio campus offers students advice and guidance on services related to well-being. Finnish Student Health Service´s health nurses, Campus Chaplain, anti-harassment contact person of student union and personnel from Language Centre and Sykettä Sport Services will take turns to meet you. The well-being guidance point will be open […]

Student´s Well-being guidance point´s opening hours published for spring 2020 [article]

New guidance point (in Finnish: Hyvinvointineuvola) on Joensuu campus offers students advice and guidance on services related to well-being. Finnish Student Health Service´s health nurses, Campus Chaplain, study psychologist, career counsellor, anti-harassment contact person of student union and personnel from Language Centre will take turns to meet you. The well-being guidance point will be open […]