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Search Results: info

Microsoft 365 [page]

The Microsoft 365 service offered by the university includes e.g. e-mail, personal storage, co-working spaces, digital notebook, Office tools (also available for UEF students to download to their own mobile devices and computers) and a search center. New apps and tools are constantly added to the Microsoft 365 environment. A list of tools is provided […]

Have a say and give feedback [page]

Students of the University of Eastern Finland have several different possibilities for having a say in the operations of the university. Students may have a say in teaching, guidance, counselling and their development through the feedback they give. Feedback is regularly reviewed as part of the curriculum work and the teaching quality management system. Students […]

EXAM system accessibility statement [page]

University of Eastern Finland EXAM system accessibility statement This accessibility statement applies to the EXAM system, and it was created on 25 June 2020. The accessibility statement was updated on 7.4.2021. This accessibility statement applies to the EXAM system and not the contents, for example the attachments of a single exam. Accessibility means that as many […]

Digital environment [page]

You can find digital environment for students, for example: Support Support channels to students Training and guidance

Wireless networks, WiFi [page]

University of Eastern Finland campuses offer Eduroam and UEF-open wireless networks. UEF-open is available for visitors and can be accessed without login. Eduroam requires a login with UEF-OPENAn open WLAN. Mainly for the use of visitors. Usage does not require a user account or a password. EDUROAM (More information HERE)UEF staff, students and research […]

Moodle [page]

Student’s Moodle environment Moodle is an online learning environment that includes, for example, course materials, assignments and discussion areas. UEF currently has one Moodle environment: eLearn Moodle. In addition, some courses can be held in Digicampus Moodle, which is a learning environment shared by Finnish universities. The teacher in charge of the course will tell […]

Walk-in coronavirus vaccination for students and employees of the University of Eastern Finland offered on Joensuu Campus on 7 September 2021 [article]

The joint municipal authority for North Karelia social and health services (Siun sote) and the University of Eastern Finland will hold a walk-in coronavirus vaccination event on Joensuu Campus on Tuesday 7 September 2021. The vaccinations take place in the lobby of the Carelia building from 09.00 to 11.00 and from 12.30 to 14.30. Walk-in […]

Student and study register – Peppi [page]

Peppi is an information system entity that is formed by the student and study register, education planning and facility and resource reservations. In Peppi, different functions are organized into virtual desktops based on user roles. Students, teachers, PSP instructors, coordinators, amanuenses, study secretaries, study coordinators, persons reserving facilities, etc., use Peppi in every-day work. In […]

HAKA Login Method Server Update 23.8.2021 at 14:15-16:00 [article]

UEF HAKA (shibboleth) ( servers will be updated on 23.8.2021 at 14:15 – 16:00. Services are available normally during the update and outages are expected. Appearance of the login will be changed after the update. Users have to login again to services after the update. If multiple browsers are used to login to the […]

An almost normal start to the autumn term at the University of Eastern Finland [article]

The University of Eastern Finland aims to have everything running almost normally when the autumn term starts. At the moment, there is no reason why on-campus teaching should not continue, and teachers can use their own discretion when deciding how to carry out teaching. The progress of the coronavirus vaccination programme is taking us closer […]