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Break exercise program is available also for students ! [article]

Break Pro break exercise program is still available free of charge for UEF students and staff! Break Pro is a professional break exercise program. It reminds to take breaks while working and provides break exercise guidance based on the latest exercise recommendations. The program includes over a hundred short break exercise videos, ranging from the traditional […]

Survey for students in Kuopio campus [article]

Dear student in Kuopio campus, Hi! I’m third school year wellness business economics student (Savonia University of Applied Science) and I’m doing a thesis together with my mandator Business Center North Savo. Part of this work is study that gathers information about students interests and thoughts about entrepreneurship and innovation education. Results from this study are used […]

Doctoral education and applying for a study right [page]

Doctoral education The University of Eastern Finland offers high-quality research opportunities after obtaining your Master’s degree, including a doctoral degree. Some fields also offer professional postgraduate degrees, such as the medical physicist’s and chemist’s degrees. The aim of scientific doctoral education is to educate professionals in research who have the capacity to work independently in […]

University of Eastern Finland is preparing to return to normal in next autumn’s teaching [article]

At the University of Eastern Finland, teaching in the autumn semester 2021 is prepared to be organised without any restrictions on physical attendance, facility capacities or group sizes. The well-being of teachers and students plays an important role in the planning of next autumn’s teaching. However, it is likely that the coronavirus pandemic hasn’t fully […]

University of Eastern Finland suspends the arrival of international exchange students for the spring semester [article]

Due to the coronavirus situation, the University of Eastern Finland has decided to suspend the arrival of international exchange students from abroad for the duration of the spring semester. The arrival of international exchange students is suspended until 31 July 2021. The arrival of international exchange students to the University of Eastern Finland was suspended […]

Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology: Instructions for publishing the dissertation [page]

Preparing your dissertation for printing You are responsible for preparing the dissertation for publication, and the layout in practice. In Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology it is recommended to use the layout template (Word or Latex) from the beginning of the dissertation writing process.  Please, note dissertations of Forest Sciences are published in Dissertationes […]

Degree students, remember to pay your FSHS healthcare fee to Kela by 31st January 2021! [article]

The student healthcare fee must be paid by all students who are completing a degree at a Finnish institution of higher education and have registered as attending for the term. No bill will be sent on the healthcare fee, and thus you have to pay the fee on your own initiative. In 2021, the healthcare […]

Join us to shape the data policy at the University of Eastern Finland – survey open until 24 January 2021 [article]

More and more courses have become available online, through online platforms like Moodle and Digicampus. The use of such platforms creates a layer of data based on the interaction between the student and the course. The data can be used to improve the students learning experiences in many positive ways, such as developing courses, informing […]