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SYKETTÄ spring season starts with free sports trial! [article]

SYKETTÄ Spring season starts with free sports trial in Kuopio and Joensuu on 9.–22.1.2023. During these weeks you get a chance to enroll for classes and try all of our services for free! To participate in classes and turns in sports calendar on sports afternoon, you don’t have to have a valid SYKETTÄ sticker, but […]

The University of Eastern Finland prepares for rotating power outages [article]

Due to energy shortages resulting from the global energy crisis, locally imposed rotating power outages are possible, and they will affect the staff, students and partners working on the Joensuu and Kuopio Campus of the University of Eastern Finland (UEF). The university is preparing for possible rotating power outages, also known as rolling blackouts. The […]

University of Eastern Finland to introduce an internal whistleblowing channel [article]

The European Union has adopted the so-called Whistleblowing Directive, which seeks to ensure that persons discovering suspected breaches of EU law in the course of their work can anonymously report them without fear of retaliation. In Finland, the Act on the Protection of Persons Reporting Breaches of EU Law is expected to enter into force […]

We want to introduce: Library Bot Uffe! [article]

We have noticed that we get heaps of messages at surprisingly late hours and on weekends. It’s understandable that there are as many approaches to working hours and methods as there are people so help is needed also after office hours. Allow us to introduce Library Bot Uffe! From now on, you can reach it […]

Accessibility in studies [page]

Accessibility Accessibility refers to implementing a physical, mental, and social environment where everyone, regardless of their personal capabilities, can act and interact equally with others. At the university, accessibility affects all students and staff members, but it is especially important to those members of the university community who have a disability, who are ageing, or […]

Welcome to respond to the student survey about learning and studying in higher education! [article]

The aim of the survey is to obtain diverse information on students’ experiences and views on learning and studying in higher education. We hope that every higher education student will respond to the survey based on their own experiences of studying. Everyone’s answer is important. The survey is part of the Evaluation of the state […]

Autumn 2022 Sports afternoon on 5 October – programme available now! [article]

SYKETTÄ Sports Afternoon will be held on Wednesday 5th of October 2022 on Joensuu and Kuopio Campuses, in collaboration with the UEF, Karelia UAS and Savonia UAS. The sports afternoon begins at 12:15 pm, and there is no teaching in the afternoon. SYKETTÄ Sports Services organizes the sports afternoon programme, but no SYKETTÄ sticker is […]

Using legal deposit copies is now easier [article]

Sometimes this happens: you find an interesting book on UEF Primo search service and notice that it’s available as a legal deposit copy for reading room use. From now on, you can request such books directly on UEF Primo. Once you have logged in, you can see a button for a legal deposit copy request […]

Entrepreneurship studies and services [page]

Latest update 29th of April 2024 The University of Eastern Finland has plenty of courses and services that can help you get familiar with entrepreneurship and map out your own interests, skills and opportunities to work as an entrepreneur. Support is available from basic entrepreneurship courses to starting a company and financing business ideas. For […]

Networked co-operation brings biodiversity-related courses available to students [article]

Through the Biodiversity education network, students at the University of Eastern Finland have a possibility to take biodiversity-related courses from other universities. The University of Eastern Finland, together with the Universities of Turku, Oulu, Helsinki and Jyväskylä and Åbo Akademi University are collaborating in biodiversity education. A common agreement on cross-institutional studies has been signed […]