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Search Results: support

Reform of Finnish language education enhances international experts’ integration into Finnish society [article]

New narrative learning materials facilitate integration into Finnish society. The University of Eastern Finland is reforming its provision of Finnish language education available to international students and staff. As of autumn 2022, learners can start their Finnish language studies already before arriving in Finland. The selection of courses has been expanded to cater to the […]

RefWorks use will cease at the end of 2022. Training for Zotero offered. [article]

The reference management program RefWorks’ subscription will be ceased at the end of 2022 due to contract technical reasons. Termination of subscription applies to both the current ProQuest RefWorks and the previous version of Legacy. Unfortunately, buying a personal RefWorks licence is not possible. Add-ons Write-N-Cite and RefWorks Citation Manager that work in word processing […]

Entrepreneurship studies and services [page]

Latest update 29th of April 2024 The University of Eastern Finland has plenty of courses and services that can help you get familiar with entrepreneurship and map out your own interests, skills and opportunities to work as an entrepreneur. Support is available from basic entrepreneurship courses to starting a company and financing business ideas. For […]

Consultation from study psychologist in June [article]

Are you struggling with summer studies? Would you like some support from the study psychologist? During the month of June it is possible to discuss any worries you may have with our study psychologist intern Katja. Send a contact request via SMS to the number +358 50 575 9687. Click here to read more about […]

Grants awarded by the Ida Kokkonen and Walter William Hill Memorial Student Fund [article]

Grants from the Ida Kokkonen and Walter William Hill Memorial Student Fund to undergraduate students have been awarded at the University of Eastern Finland. The Committee of the Fund awarded grants to a total of 10 students in its meeting in May. Following the donor’s wishes, the grant is intended for undergraduate students who lack […]

Lukkarikone – Schedule Assistant [page]

Lukkarikone shows a student’s schedule and students can also create new ones. Teachers can also create schedules in Lukkarikone based on their teaching schedules. Lukkarikone retrievesinformation from Peppi, in other words, you cannot add implementations nor sign up for anycourses in Lukkarikone. You can browse through and plan schedules in Lukkarikone even before you have […]

University of Eastern Finland to introduce digital degree certificates – what will change and why? [article]

The University of Eastern Finland will introduce digital degree certificates as of 1 August 2022. From that date on, traditional degree certificates printed out on paper will no longer be routinely issued. The digital format makes it faster for students to get their certificate, easier to keep it safe, and better supports modern job-seeking. The […]

University of Eastern Finland to admit 42 students from Ukraine – Open University courses offered free of charge [article]

A total of 135 Ukrainian students applied for a separate non-degree right to study at the University of Eastern Finland in a call open this March. The university is also offering Open University courses to citizens of Ukraine free of charge. In response to the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Ukraine, the University of Eastern Finland […]

Cookie usage [page]

What is a cookie? A cookie is a small data file stored in your computer, tablet or smartphone. A cookie is not a program that can contain harmful malware or virus. How our website uses cookies Some cookies perform essential functions for our website. Cookies also help us get an overview of your visit to […]