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Search Results: support

University of Eastern Finland to admit 42 students from Ukraine – Open University courses offered free of charge [article]

A total of 135 Ukrainian students applied for a separate non-degree right to study at the University of Eastern Finland in a call open this March. The university is also offering Open University courses to citizens of Ukraine free of charge. In response to the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Ukraine, the University of Eastern Finland […]

Cookie usage [page]

What is a cookie? A cookie is a small data file stored in your computer, tablet or smartphone. A cookie is not a program that can contain harmful malware or virus. How our website uses cookies Some cookies perform essential functions for our website. Cookies also help us get an overview of your visit to […]

University of Eastern Finland offers virtual help-desk services [article]

The University of Eastern Finland has opened virtual YUFE Help Desks, where students in various fields, with the support of their instructors, answer citizens’ questions and advise them in Finnish and English. The free helpdesks are part of the YUFE (Young Universities for the Future of Europe) Alliance and can be found at The […]

University of Eastern Finland offers admission to 20 Ukrainian students [article]

In response to the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Ukraine, the University of Eastern Finland will make it possible for Ukrainian degree students to apply for admission to the University of Eastern Finland under a separate right to study, and to apply for a grant. The call for applications is aimed at students who have an […]

Scientific writing and publishing [page]

Language Centre offers education for doctoral researchers on scientific writing: Research writing in English (4 ECTS). The Library provides guidance e.g. on selecting publishing channels, applying for support for article processing charges granted by the university or publishers, and copyright matters. The library maintains the UEF eRepository (eRepo), an open access materials repository, that contains theses and […]

Open science, data protection and data management [page]

The objective of UEF publishing and data policy is to ensure that research data produced with public financing is broadly utilisable for the scientific community and the society at large. This requires the methods, results, data and publications of a research study to be opened. More information about open science and open publishing on Library’s webpages. The Library organises […]

Student Barometer collects information on studies and student life – participate to the survey until 9.3.2022! [article]

Student Barometer is a survey aimed at students in higher education. Its purpose is to collect information on students’ experiences and opinions of their studies, student life, and everyday life. Student Barometer is repeated data collection carried out by the Research Foundation for Studies and Education Otus sr. Information produced by Student Barometer is used […]

Query on the use of reference management tools [article]

Library maps the use of various reference management tools, desires and the need for support in the future. The query is anonymous. The results of the survey will be used to support potential procurement decisions and in designing support for reference management tools. Please, fill in the query by 16th February 2022. For more information: […]

Methods of completing studies [page]

Education Regulations describe how studies can be completed, and units responsible for courses (in Peppi: course implementations) have the authority to define the ways of completing courses in their curricula, including evaluation of study attainments. Students can complete studies individually or in groups through a variety of written and oral methods, such as lectures and […]