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Search Results: checklist

Checklist for the public examination [page]

The University Library and the editors of the university publication series will be happy to assist you in all matters relating to the publishing of your dissertation. In addition, the university’s Communications and Media Relations will assist you with drafting your press release and sending it out to various media. Indeed, the only things you […]

Before departure – a checklist for exchange students [page]

What to do before returning back home? Here you will find instructions on what to do before finishing your exchange with us and returning back home. Please do not leave the campus city before contacting the International Mobility Services (Päivi Haltilahti in Joensuu or Kirsi Konttinen in Kuopio). Housing Give notice to end your student […]

Checklist for new students [page]

Welcome to UEF! Congratulations on your acceptance to the University of Eastern Finland! We are excited to have you on board.Being a new student, you are bound to have questions. These pages contain all the necessary information you need to get started with your studies at UEF, from planning your journey to Finland to the first week […]

Checklist for outgoing exchange students [page]

Checklist: before your exchange Start planning your exchange: Why do you want to go? What are your goals for the exchange? Where do you want to go? What do you want to study during your exchange? Your major, minor, the local language, something else? What language do you want to use when studying? English? Another […]

Open master’s thesis raffle winner 2021 [article]

Every year, UEF Library raffles off a grant worth EUR 100 among UEF students who published their master’s thesis open access during the preceding 12 months. Read the UEF Library blog to see who was the lucky winner this year! Are you working on your thesis right now? Have your read the instructions for theses […]

Peppi will take you from Oodi to the 2020’s this autumn! [article]

The new student data system Peppi will be deployed at UEF in three stages in October and November 2021 which also means saying goodbye to WebOodi. Peppi is an information system wherein different features are organized into virtual desktops based on user roles. Peppi comprises education planning, facility and resource reservations, and the student and […]

A message from Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare to students [article]

Student, protecting yourself from coronavirus also protects your roommate, grandparents and siblings It is a fact that we will have to live with coronavirus for some time still. What’s more important is knowing the best ways to prevent infections. By protecting yourself from infection you also protect your family and friends. Even if you do […]

Information for grant-funded researchers [page]

A research grant means a fund provided for promoting work in the fields of art and science for a period from a month to three years. Grants can be also provided for participation in conferences and towards publication costs. Working grants given by foundations are usually rather equal in amount. Typical features: grants are awarded […]