Study abroad
This section contains information for UEF degree students on student exchange, traineeships abroad, and other possibilities for internationalisation.
In this section, you can find information about different exchange programmes and host universities available to UEF students, the application process and other practical arrangements related to studying abroad. Remember to also check out Frequently Asked Questions!
Announcements: Events, application periods and other information is announced in the Viva Engage group Internationalisation offers for students (requires UEF login).
STUDENTS WITH A CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT AT UEF: If you are a member of staff at UEF (researcher, teacher, admin, 10% grant researcher, assistant etc.), you will find information about staff mobility in Intra. Any contracts of employment at UEF must end before the exchange period begins – it is not possible to go abroad for student exchange with a valid/active contract of employment with UEF!
- Finding an exchange destination
- Studies during exchange
- Sustainable exchange
- Funding your studies abroad
- Checklist for outgoing exchange students
- Including exchange studies into your degree
- Exchange experiences
- FAQ: Frequently asked questions about student exchange
- Forms and reporting for outgoing students
- Erasmus partners of Philosophical Faculty
- Erasmus partners of Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
- Erasmus partners of Faculty of Health Sciences
- Erasmus partners of Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
- Europe: Erasmus+
- Nordics, North America: north2north
- Freemover/Visiting Student exchanges
- The YUFE Alliance
- Nordics: Nordplus and Nordlys
- Around the world: Bilateral exchange
- Around the world: ISEP Exchange and ISEP Direct