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Application period for YUFE Exchanges for spring 2024 starts today!

The application period is open from 11 September to 10 October 2023. The application period closes on Tuesday, 10 October, at 3:00 PM (15:00).

Degree students at the University of Eastern Finland may apply for student exchange at YUFE Alliance host universities for spring semester 2024. Students of all fields of study may apply, as long as the student meets one of the following criteria:

  1. The student has an active and ongoing YUFE Student Journey study right, OR
  2. The student has signed up to complete a YUFE Minor during the exchange

NB! Completing a YUFE Minor does not require having a YUFE Student Journey study right.

Please read more information about the YUFE Alliance and the call for applications on Kamu’s Study Abroad section!

NB! First-year bachelor students are not eligible to apply for exchange studies during their first year of study. Exchange studies are available to students beginning from the second year of study onwards.

The last meters of the Kilometrikisa cycling competition until 30 September 2023

Kilometrikisa is a light-hearted cycling competition for workplaces, associations, clubs or any other teams. In Kilometrikisa every team member will record their cycling kilometers and the team with the highest number of kilometers will win.

SYKETTÄ Joensuu and Kuopio have their own teams. All UEF, Karelia UAS and Savonia UAS students and staff members are welcome to attend teams!

Come along and collect the kilometers of your own city! The cycled kilometers from past race days can also be marked retrospectively on the calendar. You can find city-specific instructions via the links below:

The opening ceremony of the Academic Year and Campus Happening will be held on 7 September 2023

The Opening Ceremony of the Academic Year 2023–2024 will be held on the Joensuu Campus, Carelia Hall (Yliopistokatu 4) on Thursday, 7 September 2023, from 12:00-15:30. The ceremony programme will start at 14:15 and can be followed online. The link will be published on the ceremony website.

The opening ceremony will start with an academic procession, to be followed by an opening address by Rector Jukka Mönkkönen at 14:15. Sari Multala, Minister of Science and Culture, will give a speech via a remote connection. The address by the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) will be held by Eetu Hyvönen, Chair of the Executive Board of the Student Union. The programme also includes choir performances by the University of Eastern Finland Choir Joy with Matti Makkonen as the conductor.

Before the opening programme, there will be an Opening Ceremony Prayer at The Church of St John the Theologian (Torikatu 41) starting at 12:00. The Pastor is Mikko Sidoroff, and the choir is conducted by Deacon Petri Nykänen.

Campus Happening and City Orienteering will kick-off the academic year

After the opening ceremony, UEF and the Student Union ISYY will organise a Campus Happening and City Orienteering on both campuses, Joensuu and Kuopio, on 7 September, starting at 15:30.

The Campus Happening (Kampusrysäys) kicks off the academic year for the tenth time. The event gathers the university community to celebrate the beginning of the academic year with live music and various activities on the back yard of the Carelia building on the Joensuu Campus and in front of the Studentia building on the Kuopio Campus.

The City Orienteering (Kaupunkisuunnistus) begins right after the Campus Happening. In the Orienteering, students will go around their campus city in groups and will complete different kinds of tasks given to them at control points. The evening will end with an after party.

SYKETTÄ autumn season starts with a free sports trial on September 2023

SYKETTÄ sport services offers many great ways to increase your physical activity throughout your studies. So whether you are looking for group classes, a gym workout or a chance to play ball sports with your student friends, we have it all – with student-friendly prices!

SYKETTÄ autumn season starts with a free sports trial in Kuopio on 4.–17.9. and in Joensuu on 1.–14.9. During these weeks you get a chance to enroll for classes and try all of our services for free! Also during the free sports trial there will be SYKETTÄ Appro in which the aim is to collect markings from SYKETTÄ sports events on your passport. By returning the passport you get your very own badge equivalent and you can take part in a raffle.

To attend a free trial you need to register as a SYKETTÄ user on our website. After that you can enroll in classes via the sports calendar and get ready to move. Notice that without a SYKETTÄ sticker, you can only enroll in classes and turns during the free trial via the sports calendar on the website.

SYKETTÄ sports calendars are published on both campuses. Get to know sports calendars and read more about free trial on websites below:

February application period for outgoing exchange studies is open!

The February application period for outgoing student exchange during the academic year 2024-2025 is open 1-15 February 2024. The application period ends on 15 Feb at 3:00 PM (15:00).

During this application period, degree students of the University of Eastern Finland are invited to apply for exchange studies in the following exchange programmes:

  • Erasmus+
  • YUFE exchange (YUFE Student Journey or YUFE Minor)
  • Nordplus (subject-specific networks and Nordlys-network)
  • north2north (Nordics)
  • Second call for bilateral exchanges


Calls for applications have been posted for each exchange programme. The calls can be found in Kamu’s Study Abroad section, on the page Calls for applications for student exchange. All students who are planning to apply are recommended to read the calls for applications carefully before starting their application.

European and Nordic host institutions are available for one semester (autumn 2024 or spring 2025) or full academic year 2024-2025.

Host institutions outside of Europe are only available for spring semester 2025.

The applications are submitted using the SoleMOVE system. Students can log in to the system using HAKA login and their UEF credentials.

NB! Please note that if you have an employment contract with UEF (grant researcher etc.), you are not eligible for student exchange. Please see information about staff exchange on Heimo.

NB! Students from outside the EU/EEA are advised to discuss possible exchange plans with their study programme coordinator and check if exchange studies would have an effect on your studies and/or tuition fees.

Application period

The application period closes on Wednesday, February 15th, at 3:00 PM sharp (15:00).

All applications must be completed and submitted in the system by the deadline. Late applications will not be accepted. It is recommended that students make sure they start and submit their applications well before the deadline.

More information

For more information about student exchange, please see Kamu’s Study Abroad section.

If you have questions regarding student exchange, please contact International Mobility services, for example via email at

International Week 23-26 Jan!

International Mobility Services is organizing International Week in January, 23-26 Jan!

During the week, we will have info sessions about student exchange possibilities and applying for exchange. The sessions will be mainly in Finnish, but we encourage our English-speaking students to also attend these sessions and ask questions in English as well! There will also be an info session about student exchange in general entirely in English.

Along with the info sessions, we will also have info desks on both campuses as follows:

Tuesday 24 Jan 12-14 (12 noon – 2 PM)

Joensuu: Carelia lobby
Kuopio: Snellmania lobby

Wednesday 25 Jan 12-14 (12 noon – 2 PM)

Joensuu: Carelia lobby (NB! The info desk will be closed at 1:30 due to the Afternoon Tunes event)
Kuopio: Snellmania lobby

International Mobility Services staff will be available at the info desks and happy to answer your questions about student exchange.

You can find the event calendar and Zoom links to the International Week events on Kamu’s Study Abroad section, on the page Study Abroad events. Welcome along!

International Week in January!

International Mobility Services is hosting an International Week in January, from Monday to Thursday 23-26 January. During the week, there will be info sessions about student exchange on Zoom and in-person info desks on both campuses. Most of the Zoom info sessions will be in Finnish, but there will also be a session in English, and English-speaking students are also encouraged to join the Finnish sessions if they have questions about student exchange! You can find the week’s preliminary programme on Kamu’s Study Abroad section, on the page study abroad events. The programme will be updated with Zoom links and locations closer to the event. If you have any questions about student exchange, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Winter cycling competition Kilometrikisa 1.1.–28.2.2023

SYKETTÄ Joensuu and Kuopio are again taking part in Winter cycling competition Kilometrikisa which will be held between 1st of January and 28th of February 2023. SYKETTÄ Joensuu and Kuopio have their own teams. All UEF, Karelia UAS and Savonia UAS students and staff members are welcome to attend teams!

Kilometrikisa is a light-hearted cycling competition for workplaces, departments, associations, clubs or any other teams. The aim is to encourage bicycle commuting and promote everyday cycling. In Kilometrikisa every team member will record their cycling kilometers and the team with the highest number of kilometers will win.

You can find city-specific instructions via the links below:

Joensuu team:

Kuopio team:

SYKETTÄ spring season starts with free sports trial!

Photo: Saara Huopalainen

SYKETTÄ Spring season starts with free sports trial in Kuopio and Joensuu on 9.–22.1.2023.

During these weeks you get a chance to enroll for classes and try all of our services for free! To participate in classes and turns in sports calendar on sports afternoon, you don’t have to have a valid SYKETTÄ sticker, but you must be registered as a user and enroll on classes and turns.

Also on 9.–22.1. there will be SYKETTÄ Appro in Kuopio in which the aim is to collect markings from SYKETTÄ sports events on your passport. By returning the passport you get your very own badge equivalent and you can take part in a raffle – the prices are amazing!

The sports calendars are now published! City-specific sports calendars and enrollment schedules can be found on the following websites:



Traditional Christmas Coffee for staff and students 13 December 2022 at 2 pm

The traditional Christmas Coffee for the staff and students on the Joensuu Campus will be served on Tuesday, 13 December, at 2 p.m. in the lobby of the Carelia building. 


Welcoming Words
Rector Jukka Mönkkönen

Christmas carols performed by the University of Eastern Finland Choir Joy, conducted by Matti Makkonen

Leontovich: Carol of the Bells

Sibelius: En etsi valtaa loistoa 

Makaroff: Kaikki maat, te riemuitkaatte

