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Language Café [article]

Hei, Hello, Terve, Labas, Annyeonghaseyo, Bonjour, Buongiorno, Buenos Días, Salam, Marhaba, Dobri Dien, Guten Tag, Labrīt!, G’day Mate! Each semester Joensuu is filled with people from all over the World, so why not use this great opportunity to learn, practice and find out more about a foreign language? In a language cafe, your peers and […]

Registration of non-degree students [page]

Non-degree students cannot become members of the Student Union, which means that they are not entitled to the student benefits. However, the Student Union may choose to allow non-degree students from certain student groups to join the Student Union. Find more information from the article on Student Union membership fees. After the study right has […]

Before departure – a checklist for exchange students [page]

What to do before returning back home? Here you will find instructions on what to do before finishing your exchange with us and returning back home. Please do not leave the campus city before contacting the International Mobility Services (Päivi Haltilahti in Joensuu or Kirsi Konttinen in Kuopio). Housing Give notice to end your student […]

Credits and grades [page]

Credits The Finnish national credit allocation and accumulation system is equivalent to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). This means that credits (opintopiste) are the same as those in the ECTS. One year of full-time studies requires about 1600 hours of work and corresponds to 60 credits (30 credits per semester). Lectures, exercises, seminars, […]

Signing up for courses [page]

Students are responsible for planning, scheduling and completing their studies. The course information is available in UEF’s student and study register Peppi. In addition to Peppi, the Departmental Coordinators are always happy to offer information on the courses. Please remember that you have to register for all courses and exams separately and well in advance. […]

Study communities [page]

Each student belongs to a study programme-specific Study Community. In study communities you will find information on studies and a discussion forum. Study communities complement the general Kamu Student Handbook information with programme-specific instructions such as structure and format of written work. Study communities are built in the Office 365 environment either as Sharepoint workspaces […]

Study right for doctoral studies and registration [page]

Study right for doctoral studies When you are granted the right to doctoral studies, instructions for registration and accepting your study place will be enclosed with the decision. The study right will be in force until you graduate, unless you give it up. The renouncement of the right to study Registration in the first academic […]

Student well-being work at UEF [page]

Physical, psychological and social well-being are prerequisites for good study and life. In addition to studies, it is very important to give time also to yourself, to your friends and hobbies. The aim of student well-being work is to promote students’ health and study ability, the well-being of study communities and to prevent exclusion. Students’ […]

Registration instructions for new bachelor’s and master’s degree students [page]

These registration instructions are for new bachelor’s and master’s degree students starting their studies at UEF. If you are an exchange student, here you can find the registration instructions for exchange students. The academic year at the University of Eastern Finland officially begins on 1 August and ends on 31 July. The autumn semester courses […]

Transcript of records and study certificate [page]

The studies completed at the University of Eastern Finland will appear in your transcript of records. The transcript includes information about completed courses, grades and ECTS credits, teachers’ names, etc. The credits will appear in the transcript only after a course is completed and graded. This takes a few weeks, e.g. after an exam. Please […]